描述旅游景点的英语作文 一篇关于旅游景点的英语作文

景点是由几个相关的景色组成的 。还有关于旅游景点的英文作文 。你想知道描写旅游景点的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里是边肖收集的一些关于旅游景点的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".

描述旅游景点的英语作文 一篇关于旅游景点的英语作文


Zhouzhuang,one of the most famous water townships in China,situated in Kunshan City which is only 30 kilometers(18 miles) southeast of Suzhou. It is noted for its profound cultural background,the well preserved ancient residential houses,the elegant watery views and the strong local colored traditions and customs. In the Spring and Autumn Period , Zhouzhuang was a part of the fief Yaocheng and called Zhenfengli. After being donated to Full Forkune ( Quanfu)Temple by Zhou Digong,a very devout Buddhist,in 1086 during the Northern Song Dynasty,Zhouzhuang got its present name as a memorial of the donor.
周庄,中国最有名的水乡之一,位于苏州城东南30公里(18英里)出的山境内 。它以其深厚的文化底蕴、保存完好的古宅建筑,明媚秀丽的水上景色以及浓郁的地方特色风情而闻名于世 。春秋战国时期,周庄只是尧城封地的一部分,称作贞丰里 。在北宋年问的1086年,一个非常虔诚的佛教徒周迪功舍田宅200余亩捐于当地全福寺,为纪念捐赠人因有周庄之称 。
In an area of half a square kilometer(124acres),60 percent of the Zhouzhuang's structares were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,which is from 1368 to 1911.
在周庄这片总计有0. 5平方公望( 124英亩)的土地土,百分之六十的建筑都是建十明清时期 。周庄镇内小河湖溪纵横交错,窄直的河道上横卧着14座石桥,尽显水乡小镇特有的景色 。
Zhouzhuang is surrounded and divided by lakes and rivers,14 stone bridges cross the rivers,showing distinctive views of the water-town. Twin Bridges which comprise Shide Bridge and Yongan Bridge are the most famous and is considered the symbol of Zhouzhuang. Built in Wanli era(1573一1619)of the Ming Dynasty,Twin Bridges is in the northeast of the town. Shide Bridge is east-west and has a round arch,while Yongan Bridge is north-south and the bridge arch is square. Crossing the two crisscross rivers and connecting at the middle,Twin Bridges look like a Chinese old style Chinese key. In 198,38 canvases of the notable painter,Chen Yifei,were exhibited in a New York gallery. Memory of Hometown' which depicts Twin Bridges was one of the items on display and has gained the world's attention for Zhouzhuang. The painting was chosen to be the first-day cover of the United Nations' postage stamp in 1985.
周庄的双桥即为张厅往北在河道交汇之处的圆拱桥(世德桥)和方孔桥(永安桥)的联袂桥梁,是周庄的象征 。万双桥横跨两条交叉的河流并在中间地段相汇,看上去就像中国古代风格的钥匙,故俗称为钥匙桥 。1984年,有名美籍华人画家陈逸飞有38幅油画在纽约一家画廊展出,其中那幅名作《故乡的回忆》的创作素材即取之于此,于是水乡风光举世闻名,双桥也成为周庄的象征 。这幅油画被选用于联合国1985年的邮票首日封 。
Besides these historic sights,the local folklore,traditions and legends of this water township,such as the dragon boat race,the granny tea or the Wansan home-style banquet which are formed from the immemorial civilization and history are also the indispensable elements for an unforgettable tour.
除了那些历史古迹外,周庄水乡的当地民俗,故事传说,如龙舟赛,奶奶茶,万三家宴等都形成j远古时期的文明和历史,也是一次难忘观光中不可或缺的内容成分 。
Taihu Lake
Located in the southern part of the Yangtze River delta,Taihu Lake is the third largest fresh water lake in China. With a surface area of about 2 338 square kilometers(about g02 square miles),Taihu Lake is a famous scenic spot in China and is famed for its lake,its hills and its splendid man-made scenery.
位于长江三角洲南部的太湖是我国第三大淡水湖 。湖面面积约为2 338 平方公里(约90}平方英里) 。太湖是中国有名的旅游风景区,其盛誉主要来自湖水,山峰以及其美妙无比的人造风景 。
Taihu Lake is just like a bright pearl set in the Yangtze River delta. It crosses Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces,where 48 islets of different sizes and 72 peaks and peninsulas along the lake combine to form a panorama of great natural beauty.The best place to view the beautiful Taihu Lake is on the Turtle Head Islet. Turtle Head Islet is an islet stretching into the lake,whose shape is really like the head of a turtle protruding from the water. Taihu Lake and the surrounding magnificence will bewitch your eyes when you climb onto Turfle Head. When the soft breezes blow,waves roll and the hills in the Cistance Ieok like an overlapping landscape painting. The scene is really captivating.
太湖犹如长江三角洲上的一颗明珠,它横跨江苏、浙江两省,湖中大小各异的48座岛屿以及72座沿湖半岛山峰组成了一幅幅巨大的风景连环画 。观赏太湖风景的绝佳处在鼋头诸 。鼋头诸位于太湖之滨的充山西端,因有石诸形如尾头伸入湖中,故称为鼋头诸登 。登上鼋头,太湖风光以及周围的美丽壮观之景将令你眼花缭乱 。微风吹过,波浪汹涌,此起彼伏;远处的山峰犹如一幅重叠有序的风景画 。这里的景色着实令人流连忘返 。
Besides the natural scenery of Taihu Lake .there are many ruins of historic sites,such as the Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty,theIslets in the lake along with the coastal places in the east,the north and the west,both of which are the cradle,land of the culture of Wuyue(this culture touches on traditions that flow from or refer to Jiangsu,Zhejiang and the southeast part of Anhui Province today )and so on.
除了太湖的自然风光以外,这里还有许多历史文物的遗迹,如隋朝的大运河,太湖东部、北部和西部之滨的一些岛屿都被称为吴越文化的诞生地(这种文化指的是源于或产生于如今江苏、浙江以及安徽东南部分的文化)等等 。
Taihu Lake is an abundant source of fish. Traveling there,you can taste the famous delicious food known as“Taihu Lake Three Whites” ,including white shrimp,white bait and white fish. The feast is generally prepared in the boat as one floats on the placid waters of Taihu Lake. It is very well worth a visit.
太湖富产鱼虾,到这里旅游的人们可以品尝到有名的美味佳肴—太湖三白,即白虾,银鱼和白鱼这顿丰盛的水产食物通常就在船上烹制 。在你尽情漂游在平静的水面上时,美味仕肴也随之做出,值得一游 。
Forbidden City
【描述旅游景点的英语作文 一篇关于旅游景点的英语作文】紫禁城
The former Imperial Palace,known to Westerners as the Forbidden City,rectangular in shape and 720 thousand square meters in size,is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide.
前皇宫,被西方人称为紫禁城,形为矩形的状和规模为72万平方米,周围是十米高的城墙和宽52米的护城河 。
The buildings with some nine thousand rooms are more than 560 years old and constitute the largest and most complete existing ensemble of traditional Chinese architecture.
有九千房间房屋都超过560岁,是中国现存最大、最完整的传统建筑群 。
Construction of the palace begins in 1406 during the reign of the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty,Yongle.
宫殿的建设开始于1406年明朝第三个皇帝,永乐统治期间 。
It was finally completed in 1420.The Imperial Palace is composed of the outer palace,where the emperors held official audiences,and the inner palace,which served as the living quarters for the imperial family.
最终在1420年完成 。故宫由皇帝举行官方活动的外宫和作为皇室的生活区的内殿组成 。
This harmonious assemblage of buildings displays the best characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture—majestic style,flawless construction,and fine coordination of the while and the parts.
这个建筑的和谐组合显示了中国古代建筑最好的特点–雄伟的风格,完美的建筑,局部和整体的良好协调 。
Now,the Forbidden City,the Palace Museum,is a treasure house of cultural relics,and a place that attracts approximately ten thousand visitors each day with its magnificent architecture and precious collections of cultural and art objects.
现在,紫禁城,故宫博物馆,是一个以其宏伟的建筑和珍贵的文化艺术的文物每天吸引大约一万名游客的文物宝库 。
The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.