怎么办用英语口语怎么说 口语的用英语怎么说

“搞定”是现在汉语中的常用词,意思是“解决,做好,完成” 。搞定用英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

怎么办用英语口语怎么说 口语的用英语怎么说


1. solve
Can you solve this problem?你能搞定这个问题吗?
Who can solve this?谁能搞定这个?
2. fix,be fixed
Why do you still worry about it ?It's all fixed. 为什么你还担心呢,都搞定了 。
What you said like it's finished. 你说的话好像是搞定了 。
3. help ….with….
I think I can help you with that. 我想我可以帮你搞定 。
Could you please help me with this problem?你能帮我搞定这个问题吗?
4. get ….covered
I have got this all covered. What about you?我的已经搞定了,你呢?
They got everything covered for us.We can take a break.
他们把所有的事都搞定了,我们可以休息一下 。
5. set ,be set
Let me set the money problem for you.让我帮你解决钱的问题 。
Everything's set. it's up to you now. 一切都搞定了,现在到你啦!
6.finish ,be finished
I’ve finshed the task.it’s easy.我的任务搞定了,简单!
The bridge design was finished this morning.桥梁的设计今天上午搞定了 。
7.do,be done
I may do it for you though I’m a little busy.虽然有些忙,但我可以帮你搞定的 。
I want to know whether it's all done.我想知道是否都搞定了 。
8.take care of….
Don’t worry.I'll be able to take care of everything.别担心,我会搞定一切的 。
Do you think you can take care of these children?你认为你能搞定这些孩子吗?
Last night I thought we had him. 昨晚,我以为我们搞定他了 。
I couldn’t have him without your help.没你的帮助,我搞不定他的 。
10.work out
He can work out these exercises .Easy jobs!他会自己搞定这些题目的,简单!
Nobody has worked the puzzle out so far.至今没有人搞定这个谜 。
it is done

怎么办用英语口语怎么说 口语的用英语怎么说


No , it ' s not about the woman . i ' m passed that
And when we beatyou , all this will be ours
Mom , do you have my algebra – – – i got it covered
妈妈,我的代数. . . -我搞定了
Have some perspective . we ' re almost finished
Bonjour , everyone . don ' t worry . everything is bon
You got our wi m bledon tickets sorted yet
Mom , do you have my algebra – – i got it covered
-妈妈,我的代数. -我搞定了
We work it out . everything is good ? – everything is perfect
搞定了,都好了? -非常好
Once we nail tapia , you and me , we ' re over
The question settled , they left for home
疑问和问题处理解决搞定了,他们就回家了 。
Get the customer
阿曼达•佐尔坦(Amanda Zolten)明白,为了给她的广告公司搞定这个潜在客户,必须得冒点风险 。
To pitch a prospective client for her ad agency, Amanda Zolten knew she a had to take a risk.
在工作上,你可以解决你难搞的客户,并搞定你工作当中的误解 。
【怎么办用英语口语怎么说 口语的用英语怎么说】On the job, you will likely smooth the ruffled feathers of clients and customers and also dispel misunderstandings held by a few business associates.
当我们在客户网络中出现严重的情况时,会选择/安排一对开发和测试人员全职工作来搞定客户的问题 。
When we have a serious situation in a customer network we choose/assign a pair of one tester and one developer who will work full-time to properly resolve the customer situation.
1.I'm on it.马上搞定
2.I'm working on it. 正在做呢
3. I will do it right away/now.我现在就去做 。
4.Will do. 马上搞 。
5.I will work it out.我会解决的 。
6. Let me handle it.让我来搞定 。
7.I will fix it. 我会搞定的 。
8.I will get it done.我能完成的 。