邀请某人做某事用英文翻译 邀请某人干某事英文

英文对话,邀请某人做某事 , 不管是什么样的会议或展览 , 组织者当然希望合适的对象(客户)会出席 。作为主持人 , 邀请的方式很重要 。通常 , 邀请包括三个程序:信息发布、回执处理和确认通知 。
Inviting Customers
David conies across Mr. Liu and he invites Mr. Liar to have dinner with him.
A: Hi, Mr. Liu. How are you recently?
B: Fine, thanks. And you?
A: Not bad. It has been a long time since we met last time , What are you busy with?
B: That is true. I am tied up in many business affairs. But Iam relatively free these days.
A: That is great. I was wondering if you would like to have a meal with me sometime. I want to have a talk with you.There are some details about our contract that need further confirmation.
B: Yeah, that would be great!
A: Would Saturday evening be fine for you?
B: Sure, Saturday evening would be fine.
A: And the place. Which kind of restaurant do you prefer,Chinese or Western?
B: I prefer Western restaurant.
A: OK. You decide where to go.
B: Do you feel like going to that new restaurant on Chang jiang Road?
A: I would be pleased to go. What time shall we meet then?
B: It's up to you.
A: Let's meet at about 6 o'clock. Is that OK?
B: Great!
A: One more thing. Have you received the invitation from our company for the annual celebration this Sunday?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Are you able to come with Mrs. Liu at that time?
B: Yes, we have accepted the invitation with pleasure.
A: Glad to hear it.
B: I really look forward to that.
A: Great! So let's meet Saturday night. I will pick you up at6 o'clock. Is that OK?
B: Thank you. I can go by myself. Let's meet at the restaurant.
A: OK.
B: After dinner, we can go to a nightclub and play billiards.
A: Sounds great. I believe we will have a pleasant night out.
B: Right. See you at 6 p.m. then.
A: I will come a little earlier to reserve a seat first. Bye.
B: Thank you. Bye.
大卫遇到了刘先生 , 他邀请刘先生共进晚餐 。
A:你好 , 刘先生 。你近好吗?
B:很好 , 谢谢 。你呢?
A:也不差 。距离我们上次见面已经很长时间了 。你在忙什么呢?
B:是的 。我有很多业务要处理 。但我近相对比较空闲 。
A:那很好 。我正在想你是否愿意哪天和我一起吃饭 。我想和你聊一聊 。我们的合同里还有一些细节需要进一步确认 。
B:好啊 。那太好了!
B:有啊 , 周六晚上可以 。
A:那么地点呢 , 你喜欢什么样的餐厅呢?中式还是西式?
B:我更喜欢西餐厅 。
A:好啊 , 你决定地点吧 。
A:我很乐意去 。那我们什么时候见面呢?
B:你决定吧 。
A:我们六点左右见吧 。可以吗?
A:还有一件事 。你收到我们公司在这个周日举行的周年庆祝活动的邀请了吗?
B:是的 , 我收到了 。
B:可以.我们很愉快地接受了邀请 。
A:那太好了 。
B:我真的很期待这个活动 。
A:太好了!那我们周六晚上见吧 。我六点去接你 , 好吗?
B:谢谢 。我可以自己去 。我们在餐厅见吧 。
A:那好 。
B:晚饭后 , 我们可以去一家夜总会打打台球 。
A:听起来很不错 。相信我们会度过一个愉快的夜晚 。
B:对 。那我们就周六晚上六点见吧 。
A:我会提前去订个位子 。再见 。
【邀请某人做某事用英文翻译 邀请某人干某事英文】B:那谢谢你了 , 再见 。