用动物做实验的作文 动物小实验作文200字

想在写作上拿高分,希望你一定要重视写作高分的积累,多了解一下什么是写作技巧 。天津汉普森英语边肖为你提供了一篇范文及其翻译 。这篇文章是一篇关于动物实验的范文 。
【用动物做实验的作文 动物小实验作文200字】For the research purpose. it is a fact that humans experiment on various animals.which is quite a sensitive issue arousing a spirited discussion. One side of the debate believes that human benefits are not the excuse to kill animals, the best friend of humanity, whereas others lend justification to those experiments.Advocates of the research maintain that animals can help humans make breakthroughs in the medical field, which will increase life expectancy considerably. In the past, people of 50 or 60 years old were considered to have the greater longevity while, nowadays, 100 years old for a person is not an exception. This marked progress has been made possible due to numerous newly-invented medicines and advanced treatments, which are largely attributed to experiments on live animals. Furthermore, animal research provides valuable materials for humans to better know animals. If more knowledge concerning rare animals can be acquired. then it is highly likely that people can preserve those precious species more efficiently.On the other hand. people deplore cruelty of those experiments. As we know, in order to obtain more accurate information, people seldom apply pain killers or anesthetics to animals,thereby imposing tremendous sufferings on helpless animals.If that is true, this practice is againsthuman civilization. Moreover, more often than not. the results obtained from the experiments are not always true. and sometimes they are misleading information if humans trust the same effect will take place in people. Numerous medical tragedies owing to diverse reactions between animals and humans have presented strong proof.In my opinion, both from ethical and practical perspectives,exploiting animals for their own interests. In the future. moreways should be hopefully designed to replace animal research.humans are not entitled to humanitarian and accurate.
天津汉普森英语资深老师认为,范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以天津汉普森英语为您 提供关于动物实验的作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发 。
为了研究的日的,人类在各种动物身上做实脸.这个敏感的话题引起人们激烈的讨论 。辩论的一方认为人类的利益决不能成为杀害动物一—人类比较好朋友一—的借口,而另一方却认可实验的正义性 。支持者认为动物能够帮助医疗领域的突破.这可以极大促进人类的寿命 。过去五六十岁就被认为长寿.而现在100岁也不是一个新闻了 。这个显著的进步源于大量新发明的药品和治疗手段的改进.而这些都大大得益于动物实脸 。更进一步说,动物研究为人类提供了宝贵的资料以更好地了解动物 。如果人类获得更多关于珍稀动物的信息.那么人类就可以更好地保护这些珍稀物种 。另一方面,人们遗责这种实验的残忍 。众所周知.为了迫求更加准确的信息,人们很少用止痛药或麻醉药 。这样给无助的动物造成了巨大的痛苦.如果情况属实,这是完全违背人类文明的 。而且.实验得到的结论经常不一定正确,可能会是误导的信息 。大量的医疗事故源于动物与人类不同的反应都证明了这一点 。我认为 。无论从伦理还是实用的角度.人类都没有资格为了自身的利益剥削动物 。希望未来更加人性化、更加准确的方法可以替代动物研究 。
天津汉普森英语认为,所谓作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能 写出 好文,妙文 。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖 。作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍, 且暗合 英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,天津汉普森英语小编希望本篇关于动物实验的作文范文能 给大家有所启发 。