介绍南昌的作文英语 江西著名景点英语作文

南昌作为毗邻长三角城市群、珠三角城市群和海峡西岸的省会城市,具有独特的战略地位和举足轻重的区位优势 。你想知道描写南昌景点的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于南昌的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Nanchang is the People's Republic of China Jiangxi Province's provincial capital,Chinese one of 35 super cities,has the essence or quintessence of things tianbao,the human outstanding earth deities since the ancient times fine reputation.It has more than 2200 years history and the deep cultural inside story,is the People's Republic of China State Council names the historical city.Not only Nanchang is the ecological environment exquisite the Chiangnan region of rivers and lakes,Communist Party of China it the colors raise place.Has the honor to receive many times the People's Republic of China"the nation cultured and civilized city","the national health cityadvanced city","the Chinese outstanding traveling city","thenational two supports model city" the title.

介绍南昌的作文英语 江西著名景点英语作文


Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province, stands on the eastern bank of the Gan River. An ancient city, its origins lie in the Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. In the late 1920s Carl Crow described it as a conservative town, surrounded by a high wall which had remained impenetrable even the Taipings, protected by the city god—the Universal Lord of Happiness; although Crow’s book came out in a fifth and thoroughly revised edition in 1933 there is no reference to the uprising or the activities in the soviets.
Modern Nanchang is a pleasant and prosperous city with a growing industry, places for recreation, and many historical sites connected with the Nanchang Uprising. Historical sites include the Plum Fairy Temple, which dates bark to the western Han Dynasty, and the Hundred Flower Islet, which is in the Bayi Park and dates back to the Song Dynasty.
Nanchang University(NCU ) is a comprehensive university with the merging of the original Jiangxi University,Jiangxi Industrial University and Jiangxi Medical College. It is a state key university jointly built by Jiangxi Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education
南昌大学是由原江西大学、江西工业大学和江西医学院合并组建的一所综合性大学,是江西省人民政府和教育部共建的国家“211工程”重点建设大学 。
NCU is situated in the historical and cultural city of Nanchang of Jiangxi Province and composed of three campuses which occupy an area of 391 hectares. Its Iibrary has a collection of 2. 65 million books and 1 338 kinds of periodicals including foreign language journals and magazines.
学校位于历史文化名城—江西省南昌市 。学校现有三个主校区,占地391公顷 。图书馆藏书265万余册,中外文期刊1 338种 。
NCU offers 89 undergraduate majors out of 11 academic disciplines including the liberal art,history,philosophy,economics,management, law,science,engineering,agriculture and education. It has 3 first-category Ph. D. degree programs,18 second-category Ph. D. degree programs,20 first-category master degree programs,175 second-category master degree programs,2 post-doctoral research stations,2 key disciplines of the Ministry of Education,2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education,2 engineering centers of the Ministry of Education,1 key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education,1 state base of clinical pharmacology,1 state Excellent Course,5 key disciplines given priority for development in“Project 211”and "the tenth Five-Year Plan",41 provincial key disciplines in "the eleventh Five-Year Plan".NCU also boasts of 13 professional master degree specialties of MBA,MPA and Master of Engineering.
学校拥有文、史、哲、经、管、法、理、工、农、医、教育等11个学科门类的89个本科专业,3个一级学科博士学位授权点、18个二级学科博士学位授权点、20个一级学科硕士学位授权点,175个二级学科硕士学位授权点、2个博士后流动站 。2个教育部高校重点学科,2个教育部重点实验室、2个教育部工程中心、一个教育部人文社科学重点研究基地、一个高级临床药理基地、一门国家精品课程、5个“211工程”“十五”重点学科建设项目、41个“十一五”省级重点学科 。并先后获得了工程硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA )、公共管理硕士(MPA)等13个同等学力申请硕士学位授予权 。
NCU has 2 340 full-time teachers,including 1 036 with advanced academic titles,360 full professors,623 associate professors,1 285 with doctoral or master's degrees,5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,1 member of Degree Appraisal Committee of the State Council,6 state young and middle-age experts with outstanding contributions,1 young and middle-age experts with outstanding contributions of the Ministry of Public Health,5 teachers selected by national“Millions of Talents Program",2 specially-invited professors on“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,2 recipients of Cross Century Talents Foundation under the Ministry of Education and 64 recipients of special subsidies from the central and provincial governments.
学校有专任教师2 340人,其中副高以上职称人员1 036人,教授360人,副教授623人,博士、硕士学位1 285人,有两院院士5人(其中“双聘”院士4人),国务院学位委员会成员一人,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家6人,卫生部有突出贡献的中青年专家一人,国家“百千万人才工程”5人,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授岗位2个,教育部“新世纪出色人才支持计划”2人,享受国务院、省政府特殊津贴64人 。
NCU has the enrollment of 42 000 full-time students,including 36 000 undergraduates and 4 000 postgraduates of all kinds.
全日制在校生42 000余人,其中本科生36 000余人,各类研究生4 000余人 。
Stepping into the new stage,all the faculty members and students of NCU are striving to build it into a first-rate at home and well-known abroad,research-oriented comprehensive university.
迈入新的征程,南昌大学全体师生员工团结一心,同心同德,奋力拼搏,开拓进取,正朝着建设国内一流、国际知名的研究型综合性大学的宏伟目标奋勇前进 。
Archaeologists have made significant find in Jiangxi Province in eastern China. An excavation near Nanchang, the provincial capital, uncovered that largest burial ever found in China. Dating back more than 2,000 years to the West Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–25 A.D.), archaeologists found the royal tombs of the Marquis of Haihun State.
考古学家最近在江西省获得了一重大发现,在江西省会城市南昌发掘了中国最大的出土物 。该出土物发掘于海昏候墓,可追溯至2000多年前的西汉时期(公元前206年——公元25年) 。
Known as the Haihunhou cemetery, it is located less than a mile from Nanchang. It covers some 10 acres of land. Experts found a chariot burial site with walls that extend for almost 3,000 feet. In addition, eight distinct tombs were discovered.
这个坟墓被称作海昏候墓,位于离南昌不足1英里的地方 。它占地约10英亩 。专家们发现,这是一个包含战车的墓地,其墙壁延伸近3000英尺 。此外,八个不同的墓穴也同时被发现 。
Archeologists believe that the main tomb was the final resting place of Liu He, grandson of Emperor Wu, the greatest ruler of Han Dynasty, which was one of the most prosperous periods in China's history. Liu was given the title "Haihunhou" (Marquis of Haihun) after he was deposed as emperor after only 27 days, having been cast down by the royal clan because of "his lack of talent and morals," according to official sources. Haihun is the ancient name of a small kingdom in the north of Jiangxi.
考古学家认为,主墓是刘贺最后的安息之地 。刘贺是汉王朝最伟大的统治者汉武帝的孙子,汉朝是中国历史上最繁荣的时期 。据史书记载,刘贺在他登基上位后仅27天,就因为"他缺乏才能和道德"而被废黜,之后被赐予"海昏侯爵"之位 。海昏是江西北部的一个小王国的古代名字 。
Xu Changqing, director of Jiangxi provincial cultural relics research institute, said on November 5 that burials are the most complete and best preserved Han Dynasty tomb cluster ever discovered. There are also roads and drainage systems in the cemetery.
江西省文物研究所所长徐长清,十一月五日表示,该古墓是汉代墓葬群最完整、保存最完好的墓群 。墓地里还有道路和排水系统 。
The team have found more than 10 metric tons of Wuzhu bronze coins, as well as more than 10,000 other gold, bronze and iron items.
考古小组还发现了超过10公吨的五株铜钱,同时还有1万余件金、铜、铁物件 。
This is the only tomb excavated to the south of Yangtze River that has been found with vehicles. "The chariot burial is an important part of the tomb," Xu said. His team found five well-preserved horse-drawn vehicles. Each one had four sacrificed horses, and more than 3,000 accessories embellished with gold and silver. "The discovery will be important for the study of hierarchical burial customs and articles used in burial," he said.
【介绍南昌的作文英语 江西著名景点英语作文】这个墓穴是长江以南挖掘到的有车辆的坟墓 。"战车墓地是坟墓的重要组成部分,"徐长清说 。他的团队发现了五个保存完好的马车,各有四个陪葬的马,和3000多个点缀着金和银的配件 。"这项发现对于研究埋葬等级和用于埋葬的物品都是非常重要的,"他说 。