有关健康的英语对话雅思 有关健康生活的英语对话

A: I feel sick today.B: You should ask for a day off, since health is more important than work.A:我今天感觉不舒服 。B:你应该请一天假,健康比工作重要多了 。
A: What do you treasure most? Money, friendship, achievements or otherthings?B: I think health is the most important.A:你看重什么?金钱、友情、事业还是其他的?B:我觉得健康重要 。
A: Why do you treasure health the most?B: It's the premise of everything.A:你为什么看重健康?B:因为健康是一切事情的前提 。

有关健康的英语对话雅思 有关健康生活的英语对话


A: I don't care about mental health.B: Actually it's as important as physical health.A:我不在乎心理健康 。B:事实上心理健康和生理健康同等重要 。
A: Please stop smoking for your health consideration.B: OK, I will try, but it needs time.A:为了你的健康着想,请别再吸烟了 。B:好的,我试试吧,但是这需要时间 。
A: How do you keep healthy?B: I keep a regular schedule and do exercise every day.A:你如何保持健康的?B:我每天作息规律,天天做运动 。
高频词汇*feel sick感觉不舒服*ask for a day off请假*premise前提*mental health心理健康*physical health生理健康*smoke吸烟*consideration考虑*keep healthy保持健康*junk food垃圾食品*healthy eating健康饮食* psychiatrist心理医生
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