
Representations report


Cooperation with your company has been self-Division, Division I cherish and value the opportunity of cooperation with your company in the past 2010 years, I am Secretary of serious, rigorous spirit of cooperation and attitude, and strive to complete your company assigned to the Division I ordering scheme; as a private enterprise, our foundation is weak compared to state-owned enterprises, but we are still one hundred percent of the work ethic, hard to control every production process, in strict accordance with the requirements of your company to complete the production plan, and your company want to be able to continuously improve their cooperation and look forward to your company to conduct a more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation贵司 。
For 2010, the Secretary for your company, I found an invalid product, the Division I deeply apologize for this, but for your company to make the punishment for our decisions and the content of our different views on the following:
1 。
Your company that our products are invalid different production batches, our quality of your company discovered the problem is not the first time that the problem is difficult to explain our feedback, If your company is the first time the feedback problem, I believe to our cooperative attitude of your company and attention, our company will certainly solve the problem in the shortest time it, rather than the claim is difficult to accumulate to the point where I accepted the Secretary 。
2 。Your company found and identified 15 invalid product 。I have no objection to the Secretary 。Division I products your company produces the factory 15 to 120 hours-per-charge does not understand and accept 。
3 。And your company has just started as a collaboration of suppliers, our product priced at almost no profit situation, and your company at the end of 2010 with the completion of the requirements of your company\’s price, but your company to 15 120 hours 3036 euro fine is the Division I single penalty 21 times, so that our bear, and a serious blow to the Division I initiative 。
4 。Received feedback on the quality of your company after our first time to analyze the existing problems and take corrective measures to increase the tightness of the double insurance, the secondary processing steps, from the actual situation, there was a clear effects, effective control resulting from a tight slip through the net 。
For these reasons, I look to you to the Secretary representations:
First, please consider, as appropriate to avoid revocation of your company in early 2011 out of your company\’s claim decision 。
Second, make your company according to our actual situation, to re-consider and determine the zero-km return rate, defect rate, and three bags of return rates and the associated claims ratio and coefficient 。

Representations report
Cooperation with your company has been self-Division, Division I cherish and value the opportunity of cooperation with your company in the past 2010 years, I am Secretary of serious, rigorous spirit of cooperation and attitude, and strive to complete your company assigned to the Division I ordering scheme; as a private enterprise, our foundation is weak compared to state-owned enterprises, but we are still one hundred percent of the work ethic, hard to control every production process, in strict accordance with the requirements of your company to complete the production plan, and your company want to be able to continuously improve their cooperation and look forward to your company to conduct a more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation 。
For 2010, the Secretary for your company, I found an invalid product, the Division I deeply apologize for this, but for your company to make the punishment for our decisions and the content of our different views on the following:
1 。
Your company that our products are invalid different production batches, I found the Secretary of the quality of your company is not the first time that the problem is difficult to explain our feedback, If your company is the first time the feedback problem, I believe to our cooperative attitude of your company and attention, our company will certainly solve the problem in the shortest time it, rather than the claim is difficult to accumulate to the point where I accepted the Secretary 。
2 。Your company found and identified 15 invalid product 。I have no objection to the Secretary 。But our products for your company factories produced 15 120 hourly workers, said when the charges difficult to understand and accept 。
3 。And your company has just started as a collaboration of suppliers, our product priced at almost no profit situation, and your company at the end of 2010 with the completion of the requirements of your company\’s price, but your company to 15 120 hours 3036 euro fine is the Division I single penalty 21 times, so that our bear, and a serious blow to the Division I initiative 。
4 。Received feedback on the quality of your company after our first time to analyze the existing problems and take corrective measures to increase the tightness of the double insurance, the secondary processing steps, from the actual situation, there was a clear effects, effective control resulting from a tight slip through the net 。
For these reasons, I look to you to the Secretary representations:
First, please consider, as appropriate to avoid revocation of your company in early 2011 out of your company\’s claim decision 。
Second, make your company according to our actual situation, to re-consider and determine the zero-km return rate, defect rate, and three bags of return rates and the associated claims ratio and coefficient 。