接待客人的口语交际 接待客人英语口语对话

英语:接待客人 英语口语对话:对话一
A:It's very kind of you to invite me to dinner.
B: Please sit down, and make yourself at home. It's a frugal meal. Nothing formal. Please
don't stand on ceremony.
A: This dish is really delicious.
B: I'm glad you like it. In fact, I'm not a good cook. This is only the first time I made it.
A: You are great! Could you say it in Chinese?
B: Sure. We call it Doufu.
A: Terrific! When I return home, I will learn how to make it.
B : I'd like to show you how to make it if you are interested.
A:非常感谢你请我吃饭 。
B:请坐,像在家里一样 。这是一顿便饭,非正式的 。请不要拘束 。
A:这道菜太好吃了 。
B:很高兴你能喜欢 。实际上,我不是一名好厨师 。这是我第一次做这样的菜 。
B:当然可以 。我们叫它豆腐 。
A:太棒了!回家后 。我要学着去做 。
B:如果你感兴趣的话,我可以教你怎么做 。
接待客人 英语口语对话:Conversation 2
A: Excuse me, You're Mr. Green from England, aren't you?
B: Yes, I'm glad you recognize me.
A: “A man with white hair and beard”-Isn't that how you described yourself in the telex?
So it was easy to spot you in a crowd. Let me introduce myself: I'm Xu Fan, sales
manager of Beijing Import and Export Corporation. How do you do?
B: (Shaking hands with Xu) How do you do? I'm glad to know you. Pardon me, I didn't
【接待客人的口语交际 接待客人英语口语对话】quite catch your name just now. Would you please repeat it?
A: It's Xu Fan. Xu is my surname, but the Chinese put the surname first.
B: Should I call you Miss Xu or Mrs. Xu?
A: Let's not be so formal! Just call me Xu Fan, as all my friends do (gives him her card) 。
Do you have any checked luggage?
B : No. I always travel either with this bag or with a small suitcase only.
A: Let's go, then!
A:劳驾 。请问您是来自英格兰的格林先生 。对吗?
B:对 。我很高兴您能认出我 。
容易认出您 。让我来自我介绍:我是北京进出口公司的销瞥经理许凡 。您好!
B:(和许握手)您好 。很高兴认识您 。对不起,我刚才没有听清您的大名 。请您重复一
A:我叫许凡,许是我的姓,中国人习惯把姓放在名字前面 。
A:咱们不用客气了!就跟我所有的朋友那样,叫我许凡好了(将她的名片交给他) 。您有没有未随身带的行李?
B:没有 。我旅行总是带这个皮包或者带一个小皮箱 。
标签:接待客人 英语口语对话 商务英语
标签:接待客人 英语口语对话 商务英语