雅思口语有5.5 雅思口语 5.5

如今 , 社会竞争越来越激烈 。很多人为了以后有更好的发展 , 会选择出国镀金 。这个时候 , 雅思考试就会成为很多人梦想出国的一道门槛 。以下是收集到的关于雅思口语5.5怎么得.的信息 , 请参考 。
1)要表现出很想讲的意愿 , 比如 , 第二部分一定要讲到主考官让你停下;要使用连词 , 表原因、结果、让步的要用不同的连词使别人更好理解 。

雅思口语有5.5 雅思口语 5.5


2)在讲述要用足够的词汇来帮助自己讲清楚意思 , 遇到不懂得词时要可以能够使用别的表达帮助自己 。比如说PRESIDENT不会 , 那么要说THE PERSON WHO IS THE MOST POWERFUL IN A COUNTRY, FOX EXAMPLE, FUJINGTAO IN CHINA.
3)语法上尽量多使用复合句 , 从句 。有错误不要紧 , 不影响理解就行 。
4)发音上 , 关键是你的发音不能影响考官的理解 , 带口音其实不要紧 。在语调及重音上进行相应的练习可以帮助获得高分 。另外需要注意 , 大小作文及口语的评分标准都是四项 , 每个单项分别打分 , 如果你的那一块弱就攻那一块 , 这样就解决了雅思5.5是什么水平的难题 。
1.Do you think memory is important?
Yes, I do. If we couldn’t remember certain things, life would be very awkward and difficult. Our memories hold a lot of important information we use all the time, every day, just to live.

雅思口语有5.5 雅思口语 5.5


2.Do you think it’s important to have a good memory?
It can certainly help make things easier. If you can remember things easily and not forget them it can be very beneficial. Activities such as studying and learning seem much easier.
3.What are some of the benefits of having a good memory?
I guess some people think you are maybe more intelligent, or certainly smarter than most people, especially if you have an excellent memory and can remember everything. It can help you avoid embarrassing social situations if you never forget someone’s birthday, or if you don’t forget people’s names when you haven’t seen them for a long time.
4.Are there any things that are especially important for people to memorize?
【雅思口语有5.5 雅思口语 5.5】I suppose it depends on the situation. Everything is important to some people. I mean… most people get upset if their friends or someone close forgets their birthday or a special occasion like an anniversary.
5.Do you think having a good memory is important for students?
Well, it certainly helps, doesn’t it? I mean it’s so much easier to remember all those facts, or formulas or information or whatever it is you’re studying. It can save a lot of time if you can just recall most things you need in an instant and not have to review your books or look it up again each time you some information.
首先需要做的是改变自己“谦卑”的价值观 , 周围很多朋友在面对外国人的时候总是以“景仰”的姿势 , 说话也很小心翼翼 , 这是历史遗留下来的臭毛病 , 一定要改 。
在对话中 , 抛弃“谦卑”的语气 , 将与老外对话视作生活的一部分 , 平常事平常待之 , 将老外当做普通人 , 随意一点聊天 。当然 , 不想理睬他们的时候 , 也可以“客气”一点将他们晾在一边 。
其次是要敢于坚持自己的观点 , 据理力争 。很多时候 , 我们会陷入一个怪圈:以为外国的月亮就是要圆一些 , 因此与老外交流时 , 出现意见相左的时候 , 也会直接顺着老外的意思 , 不会开门见山的表达自己的观点 , 你说这是客气 , 其实就是在逃避 , 怕自己一开口 , 口语不够纯 , 气势弱三分 。
最大程度的表达自己的观点的 , 并且要找最少两条理由来支撑自己的观点 , 这一次没表达清楚 , 下次又来 , 毕竟口语都是要在谈话中得到纠正与提高的 。
最后 , 需要学习地道的语音语调 , 节奏停顿 。其实我们看美剧或者听收音广播的时候会发现 , 外国人的很多表达都是很简单的 , 但却是层次分明的 。原因便在于他们作为native speaker地道的语音和自然的节奏停顿 。
我们总是习惯于将中文语境下的停顿迁移到英语中 , 但真正能够说好英语 , 需要的是英语语境下的恰当停顿 , 这点是我们最需要模仿和学习的 。