写科比的英语作文简单 写科比的英语作文初一

科比布莱恩特是NBA最好的得分手之一 , 在他的职业生涯中赢得了无数奖项 。他擅长突破、投篮、罚球、三分球 , 进攻几乎没有盲区 。个人单场81分的战绩有力地证明了这一点 。你想知道写科比的英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于科比的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
【写科比的英语作文简单 写科比的英语作文初一】写科比的英语作文1:
There is a man who pursues his dream strongly,who pays everything for his dream.His name is Kobe Bryant.
Kobe was born is the USA,but he spent most of his childhood is Italy.When he was young,he told his classmates:Someday,I will be one of the greatest basketball players in basketball history.Nobody believed him,but he still works hard playing basketball.In high school,he's been a great High-school basketball player.
After join the NBA team,Los Angeles Lakers,Kobe's won five NBA finals and has got many MVPs.He's also become one of the greatest basketball players-as he told his classmates.
But that's not why I like him.I like him because he has a dream and always works hard for it.Isn't that worth adoring?

写科比的英语作文简单 写科比的英语作文初一


In his 20 NBA seasons, Kobe Bryant has faced a number of brilliant players: vets near the end of their careers, such as Karl Malone and John Stockton; fellow stars who entered the league around his time, such as Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett; newer standouts such as Dwyane Wade and Stephen Curry.
在科比·布莱恩特的20年NBA职业生涯当中 , 他面对了许多许多杰出的球员:比如临近退役的卡尔·马龙和约翰·斯托克顿;比如和科比同一个时代进入NBA的蒂姆·邓肯以及凯文·加内特;再比如一些后起之秀 , 德怀恩·韦德和史蒂芬·库里 。
None of those made his top five "toughest players to face" list. As relayed by Baxter Holmes, here it is:
但是 , 他们这些人都没有入选科比认为“最难对付的对手”的前五名 。巴特斯特-霍尔姆斯转述的是以下几位:
Top five players Kobe says he has faced: Olajuwon, MJ, Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Clyde Drexler. Adds that it's hard to pick just five.
科比认为最难对付的五大对手:奥拉朱旺、迈克尔·乔丹、凯文·杜兰特、勒布朗·詹姆斯以及克莱德·德雷克斯勒 。科比还表示 , 只选出五个人真的很难 。
Michael Jordan? No surprise. LeBron James? Not really either. Kevin Durant? When he's healthy, he's electric. And Hakeem Olajuwon? There's a reason they call him The Dream. The biggest surprise, perhaps, is Clyde Drexler — but no one is about to claim he wasn't great.
迈克尔·乔丹?这毫无疑问 。勒布朗·詹姆斯?也没什么异议 。凯文·杜兰特?当他保持健康的时候 , 确实令人恐怖 。哈基姆·奥拉朱旺?他可是被人们叫做“大梦”的人!也许最令人吃惊的就是克莱德·德雷克斯勒的入选 。但恐怕也没人会怀疑他的伟大 。
The key point is the second thing Bryant told Holmes: It is hard to choose a top five from 1996 to 2015.
最关键的是科比告诉霍尔姆斯的第二件事:从1996年到2015年这20年中 , 只选出五个人来真的很难很难 。
Kobe Bryant: Don’t want Jazz to take it easy at all in my final game
科比谈最后一战:望爵士打出水准 方能尽兴告别
The next time Lakers icon Kobe Bryant appears on the Staples Center court, it will be for the final game of his NBA career.
当湖人队球员科比·布莱恩特再次站在斯台普斯中心球场的时候 , 那将是他NBA职业生涯的最后一场比赛 。
Has Bryant looked forward to that final game, April 13 against the Utah Jazz, and imagined what it will be like?
"I try not to do it too much," Bryant said Wednesday night, "and just make yourself emotional."
科比在周三晚上接受采访时表示 , “我会以平常心面对这场比赛 , 让自己尽情发挥 , 不留遗憾 。”
He added: "Just showing up and playing. Showing up and playing and hoping my body feels pretty damn good and I can get up and down the floor and run freely and play this game at the highest level of competition one more time."
此外 , 科比还补充道:“其实和平常一样 , 就是上场 , 之后打球 。除此之外 , 我还希望那天身体状态能够极佳 , 这样我就能够在球场上自由奔跑 , 最后一次以最高的竞技水准打完这一场比赛 。”
His preparation for that final game, he said, will remain the same.
科比表示对最后一战的准备与从前无异 , 终归是一如既往地投入比赛 。
"I won’t allow it to be any different," said Bryant, 37, who is retiring after 20 NBA seasons. "One more time and go through same routine. Same group of people. One more time."
37岁的科比即将在度过其职业生涯的第20个NBA赛季之后退出舞台 , 对此他表示:“其实也没有什么不同 , 不过还是在赛场上走常规 , 和同样的一批人 , 再来一次 , 仅此而已 。”
Could Bryant imagine a perfect sort of ending? For some Lakers fans, a fitting ending would be Bryant hitting a game-winning shot. He wouldn’t mind that outcome, but he wishes for a different send-off.
科比设想过某种完美的结局吗?对于许多湖人球迷来说 , 最完美的结局莫过于科比命中绝杀一球 。但科比没有那么设想过 , 但他也希望有一个别开生面的告别方式 。
"Yeah, win a championship," he said, "but that’s not happening, so there you go. That’s done. The dream’s done. Dream’s done. For me, it’s coming out and playing in front of the fans and competing hard and playing against Utah, and them not taking it easy at all. They beat us by like 40 the last few times we played them. So I expect them to come and try to do the same thing.
“当然 , 若能赢得总冠军当然是再好不过的了 , ”科比说道 , “但那已经不太可能发生了 , 那个梦已经结束了 。对我来说 , 在所有球迷面前出场打球 , 努力与犹他对抗厮杀就是我应该做的 。他们可没那么好对付 。上一次我们交手输了40多分 , 这一次比赛我也希望他们能够一如既往 , 发挥应有的水平 。”
"To me, that is the greatest form of competition. That’s best last game you can have — a very competitive one, a physical one. That’s the way basketball should be. In terms of the end, I don’t know, man. I really don’t think about that that much; I just like the game itself."
“对我来说 , 最棒的送别方式就是场上竞争 , 这是你能经历的最精彩的最后一战——一场球技与体力的较量 , 这也是打篮球应有的样子 。在告别方面 , 我没有什么计划 , 我真没想那么多 , 我希望就像比赛本身那样顺其自然就好 。”
He’s not sure what his emotions will be that night.
其实 , 就连科比本人也不知道他在最后这场战役中会持有怎样的情绪 。
"When the time comes, you never know," Bryant said. "I might be sitting here with tears flowing out of my eyes. I doubt it, but it could happen. I don’t know. We’ll see."
“只有当那个时刻来临时 , 你才会知道届时的感受 , ”科比说道 , “我也许会坐在那里 , 任由眼泪流淌 。我不知道 , 也许真的会那样 , 到时候就知道了 。”
Fans’ emotions were high during Wednesday’s penultimate home game, and Bryant could sense it. He checked out in the final minute of the 91-81 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers to a roaring standing ovation, with fans chanting his name as loudly and for as long as they have at any point this season.
在周三倒数第二场主场比赛时 , 科比能感觉到球迷们颇为高涨的情绪 , 在与洛杉矶快船比赛的最后一分钟 , 球迷们纷纷起立鼓掌致意 , 他们尽量大声且长久地呼喊着他的名字 , 比这个赛季任何时候都要响亮悠长 。
"This is the next-to-last game ever in this building. It’s pretty crazy," said Bryant, who scored a game-high 17 points on 6-of-19 shooting in nearly 28 minutes. "So I certainly can feel it. As soon as you run out at the start of the game, I could feel it."
“下一场在这里的比赛就是在这座球馆的最后一战了 , 想想觉得太不可思议了 , ”科比说道 , 在与快船的比赛中他出场28分钟 , 19投6中 , 得到全场最高的17分 。“比赛开始的哨声响起 , 你在球场上奔跑 , 那一刻 , 所有的感觉就都来了 。”
Added Bryant: "I can feel it, and it feels pretty damn awesome. Going through the years of losing and not leaving the Lakers makes it all worthwhile standing here and taking the good with the bad and the fans embracing that and understanding that we ride together. That’s a love that you can’t break."
此外 , 科比还说道:“我能感受到 , 这感觉简直太酷了 。一路走来 , 我经历了无数失败 , 但我依旧没有离开这支球队 。站在这里 , 经历一切起伏、感受球迷的拥抱 , 让我明白我们始终都在一起 。这就是无法阻断的热爱 , 这让我觉得一切都有价值 。”
Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a National Basketball Association player for the Los Angeles Lakers. He is also the son of NBA player Joe "Jellybean" Bryant. Bryant spent much of his childhood in Italy, where his father played professional basketball, and speaks fluent Italian. Bryant entered the NBA at the age of eighteen as a high school student in the Philadelphia. He was originally selected by the Charlotte Hornets, but never played for the team. Within weeks of being drafted, the Hornets traded him on July 11, 1996 to the Los Angeles Lakers for center Vlade Divac. Though young and somewhat introverted, Bryant's immense talent made an immediate impression with his teammates on the practice court. He married Vanessa Laine on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California and their daughter Natalia was born on January 19, 2003. His parents initially disapproved of the marriage, but have since reconciled with Bryant.
Bryant's career trajectory as an NBA player out of high school has been exceptional. By the age of 24, Bryant had won many individual awards, and had been named to the All-NBA team multiple times. He is regarded as one of the best players in the NBA. Bryant helped lead the Los Angeles Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002. The Lakers also ventured to the 2004 Finals against the Detroit Pistons, but lost four games to one. Following the loss to the Pistons, Bryant opted out of his contract to tested the free agent market. After flirting with the idea of joining several teams, he signed a new seven-year deal with the Lakers worth over $136 million on July 15, 2004.
科比布莱恩特(生于1978年8月23日在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城)是美国职业篮球协会球员洛杉矶湖人队 。他也是NBA球员乔科比的儿子 。科比童年的大部分时间在意大利 , 他的父亲打职业篮球 , 能说流利的意大利语 。科比在进入NBA的年龄在18岁以下的高中学生76人 。他最初选择的夏洛特黄蜂队 , 但从来没有打过的团队 。在数周内正在起草 , 黄蜂交易他1996年7月11日向洛杉矶湖人中锋迪瓦茨 。虽然年轻 , 有点内向 , 科比的巨大的人才作出了立即的印象与他的队友们对法院的做法 。2001年4月18日在达纳点他娶凡妮莎莱恩为妻 , 他们的女儿纳利娅出生于2003年1月19号 。他的父母起初反对的婚姻 , 但因为科比的调和 。
科比的职业生涯轨迹的NBA球员的高中生已例外 。到24岁 , 科比获得了许多个人奖项 , 并已被任命为全明星队多次 。他被认为是最好的NBA球员之一 。科比带领湖人连续三年夺得NBA总冠军 ,  2000年 ,  2001年和2002年 。湖人队还大战2004年总决赛的底特律活塞队 , 但输了4场比赛。继输给活塞队 , 科比选择了他的合同进行了自由球员市场 。但是IBM的想法 , 加入几支球队 , 他签署了一项新的7年的合同 , 湖人队价值超过一万三千六点〇万美元7月15日 ,  2004年 。
The Fabulous Life of Kobe Bryant 科比的奢华生活
Kobe Bryant is the highest paid player in the NBA, and the third-highest earning player in league history.
科比·布莱恩特是NBA里身价最高的球员 , 也是篮球联盟历史里第三位收入最高的球员 。
Throughout his 17-year NBA career, Kobe has amassed a number of cars, toys, and houses, and he currently has $150 million in assets.
17年的NBA职业生涯 , 科比购买了大量汽车、玩具和房子 , 现在积累的资产已达1.5亿美元 。
He went to high school in the Philly suburbs, but he grew up in Italy. He loves Italian cars.
他在费城郊区读高中 , 但在意大利长大 , 他钟情于意大利汽车 。
He walked into a Ferrari dealership last year and wrote a $329,000 check for a 458 Italia.
他上一年在法拉利经销商用32.9万支票买下了法拉利458 Italia 。
He also owns a Lamborghini, Bentley, and Range Rover.
他同时拥有兰博基尼、宾利和路虎揽胜品牌的汽车 。
He owns three houses worth $18.8 million. All of them are in Orange County, CA, a lengthy drive from the Staples Center.
他有3栋价值1880万美元的房子 , 分布在奥兰治县 , 离斯台普斯中心很远 。
Luckily, he has a helicopter that he takes to home games. He says it saves him from sitting in traffic, and keeps his body fresh.
幸运的是 , 他有直升飞机 , 把他从赛场接回家 。他说 , 这让他省下花在交通上的时间 , 不用拥挤 , 保持身体干爽 。
He’s pretty generous with his helicopter too. He can casually give a teammate a ride to a doctor’s appointment in his personal helicopter.
他赚的钱如此之多 , 让他可以随意用他的私人直升飞机 , 接载队友看医生 。
He also makes $28 million a year off of endorsement deals with companies like Nike and Sprite.
他每年代言耐克和雪碧品牌 , 赚了2800万美元 。
He bought his wife a $4 million ring after his sex scandal. It was an eight-karat purple diamond.
在他的性绯闻事件后 , 他买了价值400万美元的8卡拉的紫色钻石戒指送给妻子 。
He was reportedly set to lose $75 million in a divorce last year. But he and his wife Vanessa are working things out.
据报道 , 上一年的离婚事件让他丢失了7500万美元 , 但他和妻子瓦内萨最终解决了问题 。
In recent years, Kobe has marched to the beat of his own drum. After he appeared in an odd photoshoot for LA Weekly, teammate Ron Artest said, “He’s a star. He’s Kobe Bryant. He can do what he wants.”
近年来 , 科比按照着自己的生活节奏做事 。在他为洛杉矶周刊拍摄了一套奇异的沙龙照后 , 队友罗恩·阿泰斯特笑说:“他是明星 。他是科比·布莱恩特 。他可以做任何他喜欢的事情 。”
He has gotten in on the NBA outrageous fashion trend, but keeps it classier than some other players.
他秉承了NBA怪异时尚趋势 , 但他比其他球员穿得更上等 。
This summer he challenged Kyrie Irving to a $50,000 game of one-on-one.
这个夏天 , 他用5万美元挑战凯里·欧文 , 进行一对一单挑 。
He says he will only play two more years. He is due $30 million next season, and could become the highest-earning NBA player ever if he outlasts Kevin Garnett.
他说他只会多玩两年篮球 。下季球赛他将获得3000万美元 , 如果他超越了凯文·加内特 , 他将成为收入最高的NBA球员 。