英语销售服装常用口语 服装商务英语口语

I am going to wear my white, suit. Is that all right?
我准备穿我那套白衣服 , 你看行吗?
I have three suits to send to the cleaners.
我有三套衣服要送到洗衣店去干洗 。
I have two pairs of trousers to send to the laundry.
我有两条裤子要送到洗衣房去湿洗 。
I've got to get this dress washed and ironed.
我必须把这件衣服送去湿洗并熨一下 。
You’d better wear a light jacket. It’s chilly today.
你比较好穿件薄夹克 , 今天有点凉 。
You ought to have that coat leaned and pressed.
你应该把那件外衣送去干洗并熨一下 。
That skirt doesn’t fit your daughter. It is too small.
那条裙子不合你女儿的身材 , 它太小了 。
I didn’t notice you were wearing a new hat.
我没有注意到你戴了一顶新帽子 。
Why don’t you get dressed now? Hurry up!
My son has outgrown that pair of shoes.
我儿子长大了 , 穿不下那双鞋了 。
What will you wear to the party?

英语销售服装常用口语 服装商务英语口语


A: Tony looks very handsome, in that suit.
B: He prefers suits,to jackets.
A: Judging form his look , he's a very serious person.
B: As a matter of fact , he is.
A: Wow.. .where does he come from?
B: Manchester.
A: No wonder. Typical British man!
A: Tony穿上这套西装很精神 。
B:他愿意穿西装 , 而不愿穿夹克 。
A:从他的外表来看 , 他是一个严肃的人 。
B:事实上 , 他确实是个严肃的人 。
A:噢 , 他是哪里人?
B:曼城 。
【英语销售服装常用口语 服装商务英语口语】A:那就是了 , 典型的英国人!