tired的意思,be tired等词组的意思

1)be tired of和be sick of都可译为“厌烦、厌腻(做)某事”tired的意思,常用be/get tired of (doing) sth的结构形式 。e 。g 。

tired的意思,be tired等词组的意思

I’m/I get tired of watching TV 。Let’s go for a walk 。
我厌烦看电视,我们去散步吧 。
2)be tried from doing和be tired with都可译为“因……而劳累/疲乏”,常指体力上的疲劳 。注意:from在口语中常可省略,with比较少用 。e 。g 。
①The old lady was tired with her housework 。
做了家务活,那位老太太累了 。
②I’m very tired (from) running as fast as I can 。奋力快跑后,我感觉很疲劳 。
3)tire作动词,意为“(使)疲倦、厌倦” 。
①sb tire of sth意为“某人因……而疲劳” 。
e 。g 。
You’ll soon tire of such hard work 。你很快就会因如此辛劳而疲乏的 。
②sb tire of doing sth意为“厌烦做……” 。e 。g 。
She never tires/gets tired of talking about her children 。
她不厌其烦地谈她子女的事 。
③sth tire sb out意为“某事使某人精疲力竭” 。e 。g 。
The long walk tired (out) students 。长途步行使学生们累了 。
④sb be tired out则意为“某人精疲力竭了”,其中out已经表示了tired的极端程度,因此再不必用very一类的副词对tired加以修饰 。
e 。g 。
We were tired out 。我们累极了 。

be tired from doing和be tired with是相同的意思,只不过后者较罕用,都是因…而厌倦
be tired of和be sick of是相同的意思,都是厌倦,厌烦
【tired的意思,be tired等词组的意思】be fed up with也是厌烦的意思,但较口语化