描写山水的英语句子 描写景色优美的英语作文

美景是指非常美丽的景色和色彩 。在英语中,也有关于美丽风景的作文 。你想知道描写山水美景英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于美丽风景的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
A Spring Morning
It was early in the morning. The sun was just creeping(爬) out of the eastern horizon(地平线) and golden red was penetrating (穿透) through the white clouds and across the sky. The lakes, the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grass, on whose blades some dew drops were glistening(晶莹剔透) under the sunshine.
Birds flew around the woods singing cheerfully and restlessly. Some boys were quietly jogging along the path, while a couple of girls were reading aloud under the trees lining the bank of the lake.
A gentle breeze came up, wrinkling(使…起皱) the surface of the lake. It was really a beautiful and lively morning.
清晨时分,太阳从东边的地平线慢慢爬起,一片金黄透过白色的云彩,划过天空 。湖泊、树木和竹林都似乎染上了金边 。地面上长满了绿油油的小草,小草的叶片上,几滴露珠在阳光的照耀下晶莹剔透 。
鸟儿在树林里飞翔,不停地欢唱 。一些男孩子沿着小路安静地慢跑,而一些女生则坐在湖边成排的树下大声朗读 。
一阵清风吹来,湖面掀起了涟漪 。真是一个美丽动人而又意气盎然的清晨 。

描写山水的英语句子 描写景色优美的英语作文


On October 6th, 2013, I went Xiao Meisha with my fellows to spend a nice seaside holiday. On our arriving at Xiao Meisha, we were all filled with excitement, since this was our first trip to the seaside. Xiao Meisha was an excellent seaside resort indeed. There the sky was clean and bright, the wind was mild and pleasant, the sandy beach was soft and comfortable, and the sea was so magnificent. We felt refreshed at that moment. It seemed as if we traveled in the heaven. 2013年10月6日,我跟朋友们一起去小梅沙度过了一次愉快的假期 。在到达小梅沙时,我们激动不已,因为这是我们的首次海边度假 。小梅沙确实是一个度假的好去处 。那里天空明亮又干净,清风温和宜人,沙滩柔软舒适,大海又是如此地壮丽 。那一刻我们都神清气爽,仿佛置身天堂 。We did many kinds of activities at the seaside. Some of us went swimming in the sea; some went surfing; some dived underwater; some had a walk along the sea; some played sports on the beach. But I just took some photos of the beautiful sea scenery. All of us had a happy time. 我们在那玩了很多海边活动 。一些人去海里游泳,一些人去冲浪;有的在海边散步,有的玩起了海滩运动 。只有我一直在为这美丽的海边景色拍照留影,这一天我们过得十分愉快 。In the evening, when it was about the time for leaving, we were unwilling to go, because the beautiful sea scenery deeply attracted us. We all expected for our next coming. So I could say that the seaside holiday was both relaxing and wonderful. 晚上,当我们即将离开的时候,我们对这里的海边美景深深吸引,十分不舍离去 。我们很希望下次能再来 。所以我可以很肯定地说这次海边度假既轻松又愉悦 。
Guilin is a sunny land in my mind. I dream of going there on holiday every year. It's well-known for its natural beauty.
在我的印象中桂林是阳光明媚的地方 。我每年都梦想去那里度假 。桂林以它美丽的自然风光出名 。
Firstly, owing to the good latitude, it's neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. So it seems like spring all the year round.
首先,由于良好的纬度,冬天不是很冷夏天也不太热 。所以那里是四季如春 。
Secondly, as no large industry there and focus on tourism, there's almost no pollution. Maybe we can enjoy our beautiful nature there.
其次,由于那里没有大型工业区,重点关注的是旅游,所以那里几乎没有污染 。也许我们可以在那里享受到我们大自然的美丽的风光 。
Thirdly, the landscape in Guilin is the best in the world. For example, Lijiang River is as clean as a mirror. While boating on Lijiang River, I found myself in wonderland. The mountains along the river are so fantastic. Some of them look like animals; some of them look like plants; and some of them look like human beings. The elephant mountain, it's the symbol of the city.
第三,在桂林的景观是世界上最好的 。例如,丽江像镜子一样干净 。在丽江上划船,我觉得自己犹如在仙境中一般 。河边的山是如此的奇妙 。其中一些看起来像动物;有些看起来像植物;有些看起来像人类 。象鼻山,是这个城市的象征 。
What's more, it's also worth visiting the silver cave. It's eroded by carbon dioxide and water falls. As you enter into the cave, you will discover yourself in another fanciful world. You can't imagine how magic our nature is.
而且,银子岩也是值得参观的 。它是由二氧化碳和倾斜而下的水形成的 。你进入洞中,你会觉得自己身处于一个幻想中的世界 。你无法想象我们的大自然是多么的神奇 。
Call – call – call! Hear the voice of wind. Ah! Autumn is finally here!
呼-呼-呼!又听到秋风的声音 。啊!秋天终于来了!
Garden, chrysanthemum competing opened! There are white the light yellow of … …. Colorful chrysanthemums flourish in light wind, as if greeting them with people! Sweet-scented osmanthus trees out of the light yellow flowers. A wind blowing, a fresh wind into the nose, ah, really incense!
花园里,菊花竞相开放了!有雪白的、浅紫的、淡黄的…… 。五颜六色的菊花争奇斗艳,在秋风中轻点着头,好像在跟人们打招呼呢!桂花树上开出了淡黄的小花 。一阵轻风吹来,一股清香飘入鼻中,啊,真香!
Orchards, the apple red, like little brother's face. Aunts and uncles are tiptoe with apple picking. Thunk! A ripe apple from the tree fell down. Persimmon tree, hanging on a persimmon tree, far from looking like a red lantern! Grapes on a channeling channeling a , as one finally purple beads, purple was black, people really want a bite it.
【描写山水的英语句子 描写景色优美的英语作文】果园里,苹果红彤彤的,就像小弟弟的脸 。叔叔阿姨们正踮着脚跟摘苹果 。咚!一个熟透的苹果从树上掉了下来 。柿子树上,一个个柿子挂在树上,远远望去像一个个红灯笼!葡萄架上的葡萄一窜窜、一簇簇,像一颗颗紫色的珠子,紫得发黑,让人真想咬它一口 。
Fields, the endless golden rice, just like the earth covered with a layer of gold to the carpet. Farmers are busy on the busy man under, while cutting rice, while rice into basket. Face expression of joy and happiness.
田野里,金黄色的稻子一望无际,就像给大地铺上一层金黄的地毯 。农民伯伯正忙上忙下的,一会儿割稻谷,一会儿将稻谷装进篮子里 。脸上露出欢乐和喜悦的表情 。
Autumn is a season of charming scenery, it is a harvest season. Ah! The fall, you really beautiful you!
秋天是一个景色迷人的季节,更是一个丰收的季节 。啊!秋天,你真美呀!