be动词的用法是小学几年级的 小学英语什么是be动词

Be作为系词(也叫连接动词),是英语学习者最早的用法,它有很多用法 。这里是小学英语be动词的用法详解,让我们看看!
【be动词的用法是小学几年级的 小学英语什么是be动词】一、系动词be
系动词be会有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时等的时态变化 。如:
He isa student.
They werein the park yesterday.
It will be cloudy tomorrow.
He has been ill for six days.
It had been three hours before she left the hat shop.
其用法为:情态动词+系动词be原形 。如:
It must be Lucy's book. Her name is on the cover.
It can be very difficult for us to memorize too many words within such a short time.
She should be here on time tomorrow.

be动词的用法是小学几年级的 小学英语什么是be动词


(一)There be句型
与上面用法都不同的是,be可以与there一起构成there be句型,用来表示存在 。考虑到There be句型较为重要,内容较多,在此不做赘述,后面再找时间跟大家单独分享 。今天就先给几个常见的例句 。
There is a white ruler on the desk.
There were a great many people in the car race last year.
这种情况下,句子一般以Be开头或是Don't be开头,表示命令或建议等 。如:
Bepatient! (耐心点!)
Don't be so hard on me! (不要对我们这么严厉!)
be有时可以放在句首,引起虚拟语气 。如:
Be he rich or poor, she will marry him.
Be it true or not, she will see it herself.
此时的be引导的句子其实相当于一个让步状语从句 。以上两句话就相当于:
Whether he be rich or poor, she will marry him. (无论他是否有钱,她都会嫁给她 。)
Whether it be true or not, she will see it herself. (无论这是否是真的,她都会亲自去见证 。)
there be 句式的语法要点:
英语中的there be结构主要表示某处存在有某物,所以通常被称为存在句 。其中的there为引导词,无词义,be为谓语动词,there be后面的名词为句子主语 。
二、there be结构的主谓一致问题
在there be句型中,若句子只有一个主语,谓语的数则取决于该主语的数;若有几个主语并列,则通常是与靠近的主语保持一致 。如:
There is no cause for anxiety. 不必焦虑 。
There is some dirt on your coat. 你的外套上有灰尘 。
There are twenty children present. 在座的有20个孩子 。
There is a teacher and some students over there. 那边有一位老师和一些学生 。

be动词的用法是小学几年级的 小学英语什么是be动词


三、there be结构的时态问题
there be结构的时态由其中的谓语动词be来体现,它可以有一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在完成时以及过去完成时等多种时态形式 。如:
There will be a rise in unemployment next year. 明年失业人数将会增加 。
There have been a series of car accidents at the crossing. 在这个交叉路口已发生了一连串的车祸 。
There had been two sea fights between them. 他们之间发生了两场海战 。
四、there be结构与情态动词连用
there be结构有时可以与情态动词连用 。如:
There may be an opportunity for you to see the premier. 你可能有机会见到总理 。
There must be something wrong with my left arm, which is asleep.我的左臂发麻,一定出什么问题了 。
There used to be a lot of troubles in that region. 那个地区过去动乱不断 。
五、there be结构的非谓语形式
there be结构的非谓语形式有两种基本结构,即there being和there to be 。一般说来,there being结构主要用作状语或介词宾语;There to be 结构主要用作动词宾语 。如:
There being no further business, I declared the meeting closed. 没有更进一步的情况(讨论),我就宣布闭会 。
There is now some hope of there being a settlement of the dispute. 现在有点希望可以解决这次争端 。
We expect there to be more discussion about this. 我们期望能对此展开更多的讨论 。
注:用作介词宾语一般用there being,但用作介词for的宾语时,只能用there to be 。比较:
They planned on there being another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议 。
They planned for there to be another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议 。
哪些动词后面可以接there to be结构:
英语中能接there to be结构的动词不多,比较常见的有believe, cause, consider, expect, hate, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, understand, want, wish等 。如:
I didn’t expect there to be such a crowd. 我没想到会那么大一群人 。
Students hate there to be too much homework. 学生讨厌做太多的家庭作业 。
We’d prefer there to be an adult in charge. 我们宁愿有个成年人来负责 。
We understood there to be money available. 我们认为有钱可用 。
We don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. 我们不希望有任何误解 。
You wouldn’t like there to be another war, would you? 你不会愿意再有一次战争吧,是吗?
The tree caused there to be a long shadow on the grass. 那棵树在草地上投下长长的影子 。
注:动词let也可以用以上结构,但不定式不带to,即用let there be这样的形式 。如:
Let there be no mistake about it. 不要对此有任何误解 。
有关there be结构的若干句式:
■There is no / some / much / little difficulty / trouble with sth. 做某事(没) 有困难 。如:
(1) There is some difficulty with the text. 这篇课文还有点困难 。
(2) There is little trouble with the matter. 这件事情没有什么麻烦 。
■There is no / some / little / much difficulty / trouble in + doing. 做某事有困难 。如:
(1) There is much difficulty in finishing the work in the given time. 在规定的时间内完成这项工作还很困难 。
(2) There is no trouble in reading the article without a dictionary. 即使不用词典读这篇文章也不难 。
■There is no doubt about / of sth. 毫无疑问… 。如:
(1) There is no doubt about his coming here. 毫无疑问,他会来 。
(2) There is no doubt of his words. 对他的话毋庸置疑 。
■There is no doubt that –clause. 毫无疑问… 。如:
(1) There is no doubt that he has made great progress this year. 毫无疑问,他今年进了大步 。
(2) There is no doubt that he likes hunting. 毫无疑问,他喜欢狩猎 。
■There is no hurry (+ to do sth) 不用急于干某事 。如:
(1) There is no hurry to leave, for it is early. 天还早,不要急于离开 。
(2) There is no hurry to answer this question, but use your head. 动动脑筋,不要急于回答这个问题 。
■There is no need for (sb. to do ) sth. 没有必要怎么样 。如:
(1) There is no need for him to go there. 她没有必要去那儿 。
(2) There is no need for such a meeting. 没有必要开这样的会议 。
■There is no question about sth. 毫无疑问… 。如:
(1) There is no question about his arrangement. 对他的安排毋庸置疑 。
(2) There is no question about what he said. 对他的话毋庸置疑 。
■There is no question of doing sth. 毫无疑问… 。如:
(1) There is no question of his leaving for holiday. 他肯定去度假了 。
(2) There is no question of his inviting us to his party. 他肯定会邀请我们去参加他的聚会 。