托福作文真题范文 托福教育类写作范文

托福写作主要考察学生对词汇和语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构的能力 。好的托福写作模式可以帮助学生把握托福写作的得分点,为你提供高分词汇和句型 。北外托福边肖为您提供托福写作模式及其翻译 。这篇文章是关于现有的媒体托福写作模式 。
Along with the proliferation of diversified media in our lives, it is increasingly necessary to distinguish the merits and demerits of every and each media channel so that one can obtain clear picture of them and then take better advantages of the effective media to his or her daily living. Personally, I choose mainly to discuss books, radio and television which are specifically mentioned below in when they were invented.Among the three, books have comparably first come into practice in the civilized history.For a pretty long time, it has been favored by millions of people for its significant function in spreading knowledge. And later, the advancement of book-producing industry gave rise to a considerable level of popularity of book which was again welcomed by people for its entertaining benefits. However, the constant advent of creative media tools like radio or television has weakened the effects of books and in the meantime made it exposed to its manifest drawbacks like inconvenience, boring contents and costly price.As for the radio, it was once called the most essential invention around the world and warmly praised by listeners on the grounds that radio is more vivid and cheaper com-pared to books. Also, if one owns that little box-like stuff, he or she can receive tons of information over the nation or even in the foreign countries by just sitting at home, and what is more, it doesn't cost you anything other than the purchasing cost. The fact that almost every family owned a radio after its coming to the market can surely illustrate the glamour of radio. Nevertheless, radios are soon overshadowed by the widespread of televisions.Television, in this day and age, as an indispensable part of normal life, has exerted sub stantial influences on the human society. From black-and-white to colored televisions,from huge-sized to portable and liquid crystal televisions, the progress and breakthrough in television industry has direct link with the changes in people's life style and improvement in living standard. We are enjoying the up-to-date information by watching world news program, and killing time watching soap-opera by simply switching the remote control to another channel. Further, equipped with proper stereo set and DVD facility, we can just throw ourselves to a comfort couch appreciating the film just like in a theater.The only trouble here seems to be numerous advertisements that cannot be skipped.On the whole, television is, of course, the most effective media among the three simply by taking a look at the frequency of these three means being used every day. However,accompanied by the amazing update of high technology, it might be possible in the future that people use PC which can download e-books and TV programs and also has aradio receiver.
北外托福资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以北外托福为您提供关于现有传媒的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发 。
随着各种各样的媒体日益充斥在我们的生活中,我们愈发有必要对现有传媒的优缺点加以辨别和区分,从而对它们产生清晰的看法,将其优点更好地带人自身生活 。就我个人而言,我主要想就书籍、收音机和电视进行讨论 。以下我将按其发明顺序逐项探讨 。三者之中,相较而言书是早在文明历史中投人使用的 。很长一段时间里,书由于它在传播知识上的重要作用而受到许多人的钟爱 。然后图书制造业的发展又使得书籍因其在娱乐上的用途受到广泛的欢迎 。但是,不断更新的媒介比如说收音机和电视削弱了书籍的影响力,也暴露出图书的诸多缺点,如不便、无趣和价格贵等 。谈到收音机,它曾被誉为世界上重要的发明,并且由于更生动、便宜的优点,深受听众赞誉 。再者,如果一个人拥有了这样一个盒子式的东西,他便可以坐在家里接收到国内甚至是国外的大量的信息 。而且,除了购买收音机的花费,无需再付任何费用 。在收音机上市后几乎每个家庭都拥有它的事实便可以体现出收音机的魅力 。尽管如此,与电视机的普及比起来,收音机还是黯然失色 。在当今时代,电视,作为人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分,已对人类社会产生了深刻的影响 。从黑白到彩色的电视机,从笨重的体形到便携式的液晶电视,电视产业的进步和突破与人们生活方式的变化息息相关 。收看世界新闻台,我们了解到及时的信息,轻轻摁遥控器换到另外的频道,我们便可以通过观看肥皂剧来消磨时间 。更好的是,装备了音响及DVD设备后,我们便可以躺在沙发上享受如同在电影院观看电影般的感受,而罕有的的麻烦似乎是大量不能跳过的广告 。总而言之,电视无疑是三种媒介中有效的,通过观察生活中它们被使用的频率便可以轻而易举地得出这个答案 。但是,伴随着高科技惊人的进步,在未来,人们有可能用个人电脑收看下载的电视节目,阅读网上的书籍以及收听广播 。
【托福作文真题范文 托福教育类写作范文】北外托福小编认为,托福写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言 。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论 。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习 。北外托福小编希望本篇关于现有传媒的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发 。