我更喜欢早晨读英语用英语怎么说 正在读英语用英语怎么说

我们从小就要学习英语,而要学习英语,就要每天坚持读英语 。你知道读英语用英语怎么说?吗?这里是边肖慈溪微博,告诉你如何用英语阅读英语 。让我们来看看!
Read English

我更喜欢早晨读英语用英语怎么说 正在读英语用英语怎么说


我逐渐地学会了读英语 。
Little by little I have learned to read english.
当然了 。我每天都读英语 。
Of course. I read English every day.
我想,你所说的问题是,你读英语是不是用英语思维 。
What you are saying, I think, is that you are not reading in English.
今天早晨,我一直在读英语 。
This morning, I was reading English.
他不能读英语和写英语,但能流利地说英语 。
He can't read or write in English, but can speak English fluently.
我的老师建议我每天读英语 。
Teacher advises me to read English every day.
You tell me, English or math?
你如果想记住更多的单词,你就得大量地读英语 。
If you want to remember more words, you'll have to read a lot in English.
读英语书很重要 。
It's important to read English books.
我学习新单词的方法是读英语杂志 。
My favorite way to learn new words is to read English magazines.
如果你想提高英语口语,每天读英语是很必要的 。
It's necessary to read English every day if you want to improve your spoken english.
我读英语的速度太慢了 。
I read too slowly in English.
我在读英语课本时睡着了 。
I fell asleep while reading the English textbook.
我认为早晨读英语很有用 。
I think it useful to read English in the morning.
我知道怎么读英语单词,我不知道怎么写 。
I know how to pronounce this English word, however I can't write it.
Little by little I have learned to read english.
我逐渐地学会了读英语 。
Of course. I read English every day.
当然了 。我每天都读英语 。
I can see the English movies and read English books.
我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍 。
Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.
除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识 。
We have been able to read English novels.
我们已经能够读英文小说了 。
Thereafter I read English texts to improve my spoken English.
此后我读英文文本来增加我的英语口语 。
You read English, and answer me in Chinese.
你读英国语,而且回答我在华语 。
You must often read English aloud.
你必须经常朗读英语 。
But if you can read English, this will be fine.
但是如果你能读英国语,这将会是罚款 。
If you want to read English book, I have recommendation.
如果要看英文书,我可有介绍 。
Teacher advises me to read English every day.
我的老师建议我每天读英语 。
I read English passages loudly everyday to enhance my ability of speaking English.
我每天大声朗读英语来提高我的英语口语能力 。
It's important to read English books.
读英语书很重要 。
I also read English newspapers every day.
此外,我每天还坚持读英文报纸 。
What reasons prompt you, or compel you, to read English?
越读英语书籍能丰富你的词汇 。
Reading in English enriches your vocabulary.
你比较好告诉他多读英语 。
You had better tell him to read English more.
你应该每天都读英语 。
You should read English every day.
这些天来,我不能读英语,甚至不能与别人交谈 。
During these days I can't read English or even can't talk with others.
我们习惯于大声读英语 。
We are used to reading English loudly.
Students here have absolutely no excuse not to yell English and study hard!
你应该尽可能地多读英语 。
You should read English as much as possible.
比如说形式:学习英语比较好的方式就是通过看英文电影,听英文歌曲以及读英语文章 。
What do you think is a good way to learn English?
吃完早饭后,我便和同学一起读英语 。
After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates.
她试着大声读英语 。
She's trying to read English loudly.
意识到英语学习的重要性后,他每天读英语 。
Aware of the importance of English study, he reads English every day.
Good girl, you are reading English books again.
我们听见有人在读英语 。
We heard someone reading English.
那个时候我正在读英语 。
I was reading English at that time.
他一直在读英语 。
He is reading English all the time.
I cannot read English. I am Mexican.
我不懂英文 。我是墨西哥人 。
My favorite way to learn new words is to read English magazines.
我学习新单词的方法是读英语杂志 。
I think it useful to read English in the morning.
我认为早晨读英语很有用 。
You had better tell him to read English more.
你比较好告诉他多读英语 。
Those who read English may have a copy of this book.
谁能阅读英文的可以取一本这样的书 。
Sometimes I have to read English training information or technical manuals.
我常要阅读英文训练资料或技术手册 。
After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates.
吃完早饭后,我便和同学一起读英语 。
He went to school at8, before which he read English.
他八点钟上学,这之前他读了英语 。
I don't think it necessary that you should read English aloud.
我认为你没有必要大声朗读英语 。
It's necessary to read English every day if you want to improve your spoken english.
如果你想提高英语口语,每天读英语是很必要的 。
It is good for you to read English loudly every day.
每天大声朗读英语对你有好处 。
You should read English every day.
你应该每天都读英语 。
You should read English as much as possible.
你应该尽可能地多读英语 。
During these days I can't read English or even can't talk with others.
这些天来,我不能读英语,甚至不能与别人交谈 。
How often do you read English books? I read English books about twice a week.
【我更喜欢早晨读英语用英语怎么说 正在读英语用英语怎么说】你多久在读一次英语书?我大概一周读两次英语书 。