托福作文 范文 托福有作文吗

现代人太注重外表和时尚了 。你认为服装怎么样?以下是北外托福边肖为您整理的托福服装作文范文 。
【题目分析】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, people are putting too much mphasis on appearance and fashion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
你是否同意以下观点?现代人过于关注外表和时尚 。请用具体的理由和事例来说明 。【高分范文】
In the second act of Shakespeare's King Lear, we find the old king quarreling with his daughters Regan and Goneril, who have challenged him to justify why he "needs" all the trappings and raiment of nobility. Lear's point is that the clothing we wear serves a much larger purpose than merely protecting us from the elements-our fashions express who we are. Clothes DO "make the man" (as the old saying goes) and our modern society is no more or less obsessed with fashion than those of years gone by.
Appearance is particularly important when we are dealing with people who offer us certain services-we may not recognize the individual person, but we most assuredly recognize the uniform. Who would want to take a trip on an airplane piloted by a grubby-looking guy in cut-off jeans and a torn T-shirt? Even Southwest Airlines, which prides itself on its more relaxed and casual atmosphere, requires that its flight attendants clearly appear to be wearing a uniform. And imagine how you would feel as a patient in a hospital where the nurses and doctors were wearing ballet tutus?
The choices we make about the clothing we wear also say much about our personalities and our attitudes towards the society we live in. We no longer go to extremes of fashion to indicate our social rank (a notable exception, of course, is the Queen of England at a state ceremony-how disappointing if she didn't wear her crown!), but we do pay attention to when a more "formal" appearance is required. At a job interview, for example, it would be a very unwise choice to show up in "casual" clothes. If you want to make a good impression, you obviously need to pay particular attention to how you are dressed.
Of course, there will always be certain groups in our society who will use fashion to make a particular "statement." Tune in to any Hollywood-like event and see how amazing (and sometimes ludicrous) the stars' costumes can be. One example was the outfit worn by the Icelandic pop star Bjork at the 2001 Academy Awards, which made her look like a giant swan. Clothes will continue to "make the man" but beauty will always remain in the eye of the beholder.【范文翻译】在莎士比亚的《李尔王》第二幕中,老国王与他的女儿里根·高纳里尔发生争执 。女儿们质问他为什么一定要穿高贵服饰 。李尔王答道,穿衣除为了蔽体之外,更体现了一个人的身份 。俗话说得好,“佛靠金装,人靠衣装”,我们现代人或多或少比古人更痴迷时尚 。
在与为我们提供特定服务的人打交道时,一个人的着装显得尤为重要 。我们可能不认识这个人,但是我们肯定熟悉他们的制服 。试想一下,谁会想要搭乘一架由穿着牛仔短裤和破烂短衫,看起来很邋遢的人驾驶的飞机旅行?即便是以其轻松、随意氛围而引以为豪的美国西南航空公司也要求他们的空乘人员看起来像穿着制服 。又或者当你去医院看病的时候,看到医生护士都穿着芭蕾短裙,你又作何感想?
除此之外,我们在着装上所做的决定还体现了我们的特点和处世态度 。我们已不再为了标明社会等级而过分追求时尚 。(当然也有例外的时候,如果英国女王没有带着皇冠出现在国家庆典上该是一件多么遗憾的事情!)但是在正式场合,我们确实会对自己的着装花点心思 。比如在工作面试的时候,穿着随意的衣服就去面试绝非明智之举 。如果你想给面试官留下好印象,很显然你需要格外注意着装 。
【托福作文 范文 托福有作文吗】当然,社会中总是存在这样一些特殊的群体,他们利用时尚来标榜个性 。看一下好莱坞之类的盛事,明星们的着装多么令人惊异(有时显得很滑稽)!冰岛流行歌手比约克就是一个鲜明的例子,在2001年奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼上,她的装扮使得她看起来像一只巨大的天鹅 。衣装会使人们变得漂亮,但是这种美丽一直都是由旁观者来鉴定的 。以上就是北外托福小编为您整理的关于衣着的托福作文范文 。衣装会使人们变得漂亮,但是这种美丽一直都是由旁观者来鉴定的,你怎么看?小编提醒大家,托福考试需努力,托福也要拒绝“二战”,有条件的同学建议参加托福培训班进行系统学习 。