国际旅游利弊英语作文 雅思大作文旅游业的利弊

对于很多烤鸭来说,雅思写作的目标分数是6分 。但是在实际考试中,很多烤鸭发现这个看似很低的6分很难拿到 。多看多练是打出高分的基础 。深圳环球雅思边肖为你整理了一些优秀的雅思高分作文 。这篇文章是关于国际旅游的优势和劣势的雅思作文 。如何看待国际旅游带来的紧张感或增进了解?
International tourism becomes the biggest industry, but it creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. What is your opinion?国际旅游目前已成为重要的商业活动国际旅游带来的紧张还是促进理解,你怎么看?
International tourism is booming and gaining momentum. Some people,however, think that it has generated tension rather than mutual understanding between different cultures. I think this view holds because local people may not get the economic gains, because the local traditions and ecosystem may be under threats, and because conflicts may arise due to misunderstanding.(高分理由:三个because组成并列句子,使得句子结构不至于松散,这是值得考生借鉴的地方 。) 。
It is a common practice that many international tourist agencies have set up branches in the tourist destinations, and the money tourists pay does not go to the local community. As a result, the hostility of the local community may emerge.
In addition, since local residents can make more money in a few weeks from tourists than they did in a year before, it is not strange for them to give up their farm-work, thereby leading to a serious decline in farm output and turning to supplies of rice and other foods outside.
Besides, with the tourists swarming into the tourist sites, the local ecology is under threats: trees are cut down to make room for transportation, farmland is cleared to build restaurants and water is drained to meet the demands of tourists.
What is the most serious lies in the fact that due to the wide discrepancies in terms of customs, cultures, life styles and religions, conflicts may be unavoidable.These have already happened in many tourist destinations. All these, sadly enough, amount to awful tension between people from different cultures.(高分理由:What is the most…lies in the fact that…引出重要的理由 。)
【国际旅游利弊英语作文 雅思大作文旅游业的利弊】Admittedly, tourism has benefited some local communities to some extent, because it brings in hard currency. Ironically, it is also the very reason that gives rise to a wide range of problems currently existing in these countries. How to balance the benefits brought by tourism against its problems has been an urgent task for government planners and tourist agencies as well.(高分理由:后一句为所谓的“开放式结尾”一将问题留给其他人去考虑,引起大家的关注 。)以上就是深圳环球雅思小编为您整理的关于国际旅游利弊的雅思作文范文,各位烤鸭可仔细研读,取其精华去其糟粕,真正做到素材为己所用,而不能被素材牵着走,当然,建议有条件的烤鸭参加系统的雅思培训班,更快更系统的获得雅思答题技巧 。