高一英语动词短语 高中英语系动词

连接动词是表示不完全谓词关系的动词,用于连接主语和谓语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份 。它和它后面的谓语一起构成谓语 。让我们告诉你关于高一英语系动词的用法.的事情,让我们看看吧!
(1) 表示状态的,如 be, seem,appear, keep, remain, stay, stand, lie, sit, continue等 。
(2) 表示变化的, 如 become, get, turn, grow, go, come, fall, run 等 。
(3)表示知觉的,如 look, feel, sound, smell, taste等 。
(4) 表结果的,如 prove, turn out等 。

高一英语动词短语 高中英语系动词


连系动词后通常跟名词或形容词作表语;有时也可跟代词、数词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动名词、分词、从句等 。如:
Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师 。(名词)
According to the weather report, the weather will continue fine till this weekend. 据天气预报,到本周末天气仍然很好 。(形容词)
This is not something that money can buy. 这可不是金钱能买到的 。(代词)
Alice was the first to arrive. 艾利斯第一个到 。(数词)
He will be away for two months. 他将外出两个月 。(副词)
That looks like an interesting film. 那看来是部有趣的电影 。(介词短语)
The old man seems to have forgotten everything he learnt at school. 这们老人似乎把在学校里学的一切东西都忘光了 。(不定式)
Their job was painting the boat. 他们的工作是油漆小船 。(动名词)
Gone is the one who held me dearest in the world. 世界上最疼我的那个人去了 。(过去分词)
Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更使人兴奋 。(现在分词)
That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields. 这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因 。(从句)
注:副词通常不用作表语,少数能用作表语的副词主要仅于in, on, off, out, away, behind, up, down, over, through, around, round, below, inside, outside 等少数副词小品词以及here, there, upstairs, downstairs等少数表示地点或方位的副词 。
1. 用作连系动词,表示“似乎”“好像”,其后用作表语的可以是名词、形容词、介词短语、不定式、分词等 。如:
He seems quite happy. 他看来很快活 。
That seems not a bad idea. 这似乎是一个不坏的主意 。
You seem out of temper today. 你今天情绪似乎不大好 。
His first memories seemed connected with work. 他最早的记忆似乎和工作有关 。
后接不定式时,不定式根据情况可以是一般式,也可以是进行式或完成式等 。如:
She seems to be crying. 她好像在哭 。
He didn’t seem to have changed much. 他似乎没多大变化 。
注意:seem 后可接不定式,但通常不接动名词 。

高一英语动词短语 高中英语系动词


2. 在 it seems 后可接 as if 从句或 that 从句 。如:
It seems that he is living in the area. 他似乎就住在这一带 。
It seems as if everybody knew except me. 好像除我之外其他人都知道了 。
后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so, not 代之 。如:
A:Does he know her? 他认识她吗?
B:It seems so (not). 好像是认识(不认识) 。
3. 用作seem like,其中的like通常为介词,其后接名词或代词 。如:
It seems like yesterday. 这仿佛是昨天发生的事 。
It seems like the answer to my problem. 它似乎是我问题的答案 。
但在非正式文体中,也可后接句子 。如:
It seems like the year flies by. 一年好像飞逝般过去 。
【高一英语动词短语 高中英语系动词】It seems like their marriage is over. 看起来他们的婚姻结束了 。
4. 有时还可用于 there seems (to be) 。如:
There seems (to be) something wrong with it. 好像有什么问题 。
There seems to be a mistake in these figures. 这些数字中好像有个错误 。
5. 比较以下同义句型:
It seems that he has a lot of money.=He seems to have a lot of money. 他似乎很有钱 。
make 用作连系动词的用法:
1. 表示“成为;变为;适合;胜任”等,主要指因为有某必需的特点而成为或适合于……,其后只能接名词作表语,不接形容词 。如:
I’m sure you’ll make a good soldier. 我相信你会成为一名好军人 。
The hall will make a good theatre. 这礼堂适合演戏 。
This coat will make a good present for my mother. 这件外套是给我母亲的一件好礼物 。
She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师 。
That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾 。
2. 表示“形成,组成”,主要指人或事物按某种方式形成某种图形或样式,其后也只能接名词作表语,不接形容词 。如:
Let’s make a circle. 我们来围成一个圈 。
A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon. 一群人在五角大楼四周围成一圈 。
Those seven bright stars make the shape of a saucepan. 那七颗明亮的星星构成一个长柄锅的形状 。
3. 表示“等于;合计为”,其后也只能接名词作表语,不接形容词 。如:
Two and two make four. 2加2得4 。
12 and 12 make 24. 12加12等于24 。
A hundred pence make one pound. 100便士为1镑 。
There are nine people coming, plus me, which makes ten. 九个人要来,加上我总共十个人 。
Today’s earthquake makes five since the beginning of the year. 今天的地震是今年以来的第五次 。
有时还可在宾语后再接名词 。如:
I’ve got 29 different teapots in my collection – if I buy this one that’ll make it 30. 我已经收集了29个各式各样的茶壶——如果买下这个,就有30个了 。
■rest a mystery
The affair rests a mystery. 这件事一直是个谜 。
■rest easy
Rest easy. 不要紧张 。
■rest assured
You can rest assured that I will do my best. 你放心,我会尽力 。
You can rest assured that I’ll do my best. 你可以放心我会尽力而为的 。
You may rest assured that everything possible is being done. 你尽管放心,正在尽力把一切都做好 。
You may rest assured that l will do everything I call to help you. 你可以相信我会尽力帮助你的 。
■rest thus
The matter rests thus—that you are responsible for the damage. 事实仍然是这样——你得对损坏负责 。