gre填空题例题 新gre填空题库

新gre填空增加了三空题型 , 自去年新gre改革以来更加侧重基础能力的考察 , 新gre填空三空题型更多的考察单词的用法和准确含义 , 同时天空中加深了阅读理解能力的考察 , 因此考生在备考gre填空时大量的阅读训练也必不可少 。
例1.(OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q4, Medium)
Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ______invention. He said, (ii) ______research, the government’s greatest role in assuringcontinuinginnovationis promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unlesswe can (iii) ______original ideas, we will nothaveinvention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent.
BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
(A)been at the expense of (D)in addition to restricting (G)evaluate
(B)no bearing on (E)aside from supporting (H)protect
(C)come through (F)far from exaggerating (I)disseminate
(一) 节选出第二、三空格部分
He said, (ii) ______ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii) ______ original ideas, we will not have invention.”
1.去除blank2所在的部分 , “He said the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office.”这句话表明R先生的态度是支持科技创新 。
2.后文中Unless we can (iii) ______ original ideas, we will not have invention.是对于上文的重述 , R先生支持创新 , 因而需要至少不破坏原创性思想 。而上文中说要assuring continuing innovation , innovation与original ideas构成逻辑相关词关系 , 因而对其两者所做的动作等价 , 即assure , 在blank3中选出protect 。
3.为了确保有足够的创新 , 因而R先生对于科技创新的基础——研究的态度与其对于科学研究的态度相同 , 因此在这里 , 对于continuing创新的要求导致了对于research的态度——支持 。
[1].in addition to restricting:除了限制之外(相反)
[2].aside from supporting:除了支持之外(正确)
[3].far from exaggerating:除了夸大之外(无关)
[4].evaluate:(评估)to determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal and study(无关)
[6].disseminate:(传播)to disperse throughout(无关)
(二) 终完成填空
Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ______ invention.
1.R先生对于科技与国家发展持有一个正态度 , 因而也反映在其对于国家发展对于科技进步的依赖上面 , 其应该认为国家发展是依靠科技进步来实现的 , 因而在blank1中填入一个正态度 。
[1].been at the expense of :以……为代价(相反)
[2].no bearing on:对……没有影响(相反)
[3].come through:来自于……(正确)
(三) 理解句意 , 看是否逻辑与语义契合:
Richard M. Russell说 , 二战以来世界各国的发展有52%可以归结于发明创造 。他说 , 除了支持科学研究以外 , 政府对于确保一国能有持续稳定的发明创造的重要的任务就是推广一个强有力的现代专利局 。R先生还说:“除非我们能够保护原创性观点 , 否则我们就不会有发明创造” 。展望下个世纪发明创造的前景之后 , 许多发明家在同这样一个观点 , 就是未来在于给予我们的孩子们创造性思维的工具 , 同时给予他们足够的刺激去发明创造新生事物 。
新gre填空更加注重实际运用语言能力的考察 , 减少了对单词纯意义的考察 , 所以备考新gre填空考试的考生可以根据以上gre官方指南对三空题型的解析进行备考 。
例2. (OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q5, Medium)
Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patent.
BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
(A) presumed verifiable (D) corroborating (G) novel
(B) carefully scrutinized (E) advancing (H) bogus
(C) considered capricious (F) debunking (I) obsolete
(一) 节选出第一空所在部分
Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found.
1.Blank1中应该填入一个形容词 , 描述statement被视为何物的状态 , 而前后两个半句间通过unless连接 , 表示相关句子间是反义关系 。
2.后半句说可以找到一个值得怀疑的理由 , 则前半句说明没有怀疑的理由 , 则根据“无罪推定”的背景知识 , 认为没有怀疑的必要 , 被认为是真实的 。选取fact的同义词 。
[1].presumed verifiable:被推定为可信的、真实的
[2].carefully scrutinized:仔细调查
[3].considered capricious:被认为是变化无常的
(二) And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent.
1.And引导的表示继续承接上文 , “无罪推定”依旧适用 。
2.Although表示两个分句之间的是反义关系 , 前半句说patents are challenged , 则后半句应该是不被challenge 。
3.Blank2中应该填入一个动名词 , 构成expend effort doing sth结构 , 表示“费力去做……” , 动作发出者是anyone , 接受者是the science of an erroneous patent 。
4.后半句话应该是不被challenge的意思 , 由于no incentive exists表示否定 , 则应该选取challenge的同义词 。
[1].corroborating:(证实)to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
[2].advancing:(推进)to accelerate the growth or progress of
[3].debunking:(揭穿)to expose the sham or falseness of
(三) And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason, the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patent.
1.For this reason表示对上文的继续 , 即对于专利申请来说 , 有时不仅仅是没有人有足够的理由去反驳的以外 , 还有的是因为没有足够的动力去反驳它们 , 因而在现实中 , 对于有问题的专利的调查是不够的 。
2.由于专利本身就有问题 , 因而其终的结果——产品 , 也是有问题的 , 应该填入一个负评价 。
[1].novel:(新鲜事物)new and not resembling something formerly known or used
[2].bogus:(假冒产品)not genuine : COUNTERFEIT, SHAM
[3].obsolete:(过时货)a : no longer in use or no longer useful;b : of a kind or style no longer current : OLD-FASHIONED
(四) 理解句意 , 看是否逻辑与语义契合:
在专利申请中被当作事实依据而提出的陈述在没有足够理由去怀疑它们的时候往往被推定为是真实可信的 。而此时这项发明实际上被认为是“聊胜于无”而去申请初的专利许可而用的 。同时 , 即便是成千上万的专利因为其他原因而被告上法庭的情况下 , 没有其他特别的刺激或激励是任何人有意愿去证实一个存在错误的专利背后的科学依据是错误的 。正因为如此 , 才会依然有不计其数的、存在着问题的设备继续在偶然中获得专利许可 。
新gre填空更加注重实际运用语言能力的考察 , 减少了对单词纯意义的考察 , 所以备考新gre填空考试的考生可以根据以上gre官方指南对三空题型的解析进行备考 。
【gre填空题例题 新gre填空题库】更多关注:广州GRE培训班,广州GRE考试培训,广州GRE培训机构