六级英语作文常用副词 六级英语写作常用高级词汇

丰富多样是任何一个作者所追求的 , 如何使自己的用词不枯燥单调也令很多 学生头疼 。作文语言枯燥无非有两个主要原因 , 一是词汇量太少 , 二是能听、能 说、通用的积极词汇量太小 。用词丰富 , 功在平时 , 我们完全可以在记单词的时候多记一些含有该词的形 象生动的例句 , 而不是单纯记住该词的中文意思 。下面我们举例说明:
例1 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things arepossible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who stillquestions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
【解析】这是奥巴马竞选总统胜利的演讲词的开头部分 。该演讲词第一部分 用了一个气势恢宏的排比句 , 句子中的三个谓语动词值得我们学习:doubt, wonder, question 。这三个词意思相近 , 指怀疑 。为了避免词语的重复使用 , 运用了三个近义词 。
例2 Maggie likes swimming but she doesn't care for skiing. She loves flying on planes andtraveling by train but she hates getting on buses because they are too crowded and dirty. Sheis not interested in playing the piano and she prefers reading to playing computer games. Sheloves going to Chinese restaurants and her favorite food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. Afterwork she is keen on listening to music. She prefers light music to rock, because light musicmakes her feel relaxed. She enjoys watching TV in the evening. She thinks a lot of newsprograms but sitcoms are the last kind of thing for her to watch.
【解析】本段语句选自全新版大学英语听力课程第一册 。这是一段表达个人 喜好和厌恶情感的文字 。文中用“loves”,“prefers”,“ favorite”,“is keen on”,“enjoys”, “thinks a lot” , 来表达喜好;用“doesn't care for", "is not interested in”, “hates”,“the last kind of thing” , 来表达厌恶 。且在用词上 , 否定与肯定错落有致 , 长短对照 , 使人印象极为深刻 。
标签:英语六级写作用词须富于变化 , 英语六级写作用词须富于变化
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