车祸英语怎么说? 发生车祸英语怎么说

【车祸英语怎么说? 发生车祸英语怎么说】相信大家都听过或目睹过一次或几次车祸 。车祸已经成为城市人口死亡的四大原因之一 。近年来,打击不良驾驶行为的政策越来越多,力度也在加大 。在外旅游,一定要提高安全意识,时刻绷紧安全出行这根弦 。
1. I am now caught in a car accident.我遇到车祸了 。
A: Where are you?
B: I am now caught in a car accident
A: An accident? Are you injured?
B: No, I'm fine. Someone else caused the accident.
乙:我遇到车祸了 。
乙:没有,我很好 。是其他人引起的车祸 。
2.He got maimed in a car accident.他在一场车祸后残疾了 。
A: Whose wheelchair is this?
B: It's Edison's. He got maimed in a car accident.
A: So sorry to hear that.
乙:埃迪森的 。他在一场车祸后残疾了 。
甲:好可怜啊 。

车祸英语怎么说? 发生车祸英语怎么说


3.I nearly hit that old man.我差点撞上那个老人 。
A:I nearly hit that old man.
B: That was close! Be more careful next time.
甲:我差点撞上那个老人 。
乙:好险啊,下次再小心点儿 。
Iwas that close to hit that old man.
I almost hit that old man.
4.My car bumped into the rail.我的车撞到栏杆了 。
A: Damn! My car bumped into the rail.
B: Be careful! There are other cars running.
甲:该死,我的车撞到栏杆了 。
乙:小心点’路上还有其他车在跑 。
5.He walked away from the car accident.他毫发无损地从车祸现场走出来了 。
A: He walked away from the car accident.
B: What a lucky dog!
甲:他毫发无损地从车祸现场走出来了 。
6.He walked away from the car accident.他毫发无损地从车祸现场走出来了 。
A: He walked away from the car accident.
B: What a lucky dog!
甲:他毫发无损地从车祸现场走出来了 。