雅思口语你期待工作吗 雅思口语喜欢的工作

1 雅思 口语话题高薪工作
雅思换题月每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本 。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语话题高薪工作的资料,欢迎查阅 。

雅思口语你期待工作吗 雅思口语喜欢的工作


a well-paid job you would like to do in the future(未来高薪工作)
You should say:
What the job is
【雅思口语你期待工作吗 雅思口语喜欢的工作】How you came to know about it
What kind of people can do this job
And explain why you like this job
不知道为什么,雅思口语里提到well-paid job很多孩子会想到programmer,大概是进入到科技时代,他们就是可以用键盘改变世界的人吧!如此powerful的职业,必然报酬颇丰 。不管实际情况如何,在考场确实可以选择这个job聊,只要给出理由即可 。其实,任何的工作都有着可以成为高薪工作的理由啊,例如教师,可以说“教育乃治国之本”,国家特别重视教育,所以老师的待遇贼高!医生的待遇也很特别高啊,当然“医生收红包”那段就不要说了……
说完了职业那部分,别忘了再解释一下为什么自己会be good at,除了跟自己的兴趣爱好吻合,也可以是因为自己有这方面的talent呀之类的 。
I’m confident that I would be an excellent programmer with decent payment in the future.
I’m a complete technophile, I’ve always been fascinated by technological stuff like computers, Internet, smart phones, especially apps and software.
The modern world is made up of various programs. It’s fair to say everything in every aspect of our lives has been computerized to some extent. It’s already become an indispensible part of our daily life.
It’s not my major in college, but as a computer nut, I fancy myself as a self-taught expert. And I’m a quick study, I bought self-study materials and watch tutorials online, and I just got the hang of it pretty soon. And now I’ve had a good command of the knowledge needed to be a qualified programmer.
And I know for a fact that all the programmers are well paid. The demand is high for this job, I mean, our society needs people like us to create something new and entertaining, to facilitate people’s daily life and bring more joy and recreational activities for people.
I know many people who have changed their major and started to work in this area. So it’s fair to say it’s a promising career with great job prospects.
decent = of a good enough standard or quality 例如:
a decent meal/ job/ place to live
I need a decent night's sleep.
technophile = a person who is enthusiastic about new technology
indispensible = too important to be without 例如:
Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.
She made herself indispensable to the department.
nut = a person who is extremely interested in a particular subject, activity, etc. 例如:a fitness/ tennis/ computer, etc. nut
fancy oneself as = to like the idea of being something or to believe, often wrongly, that you are something 例如:
She fancies herself (as) a serious actress.
self-taught = having learned something by reading books, etc, rather than by somebody teaching you例如:
a self-taught artist
quick study = fast / quick learner = learn quickly
get the hang of it = to learn how to do or to use something; to understand something 例如:
It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.
I can't seem to get the hang of this game.
I never got the hang of negative numbers.
I know for a fact that = I’m certain that …
1. Do you think neighbors are important?
解析:这个话题是典型的part 3重要性类型的问题 。常见的提问方法为 “Do you think …is important/necessary?” 基本上是在讨论话题的必要性和重要性,当然如果讨论思路,基本上考官问是否重要,多半都是回答重要的会比较好回答 。相信很多考生都比较熟悉“远亲不如近邻”这个谚语,“A distant relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor” 。邻居的重要性可以在很多地方体现,比较容易想到的是可以互相帮助,在生活上会方便很多,其实良好的邻里关系也可以促进和谐的人际关系,让你每天幸福感提升 。毕竟,又如中国古话说,“抬头不见低头见”, “be bound to see much of each other”.

雅思口语你期待工作吗 雅思口语喜欢的工作


Tip:在part 3跟考官的进一步讨论中,我们经常可能会受到文化影响,引用一些中国的谚语等,这个时候都可以用 “As the old Chinese saying goes” 引出 。
Of course, that’s for sure. Cause you know you are bound to see much of each other, when you go to work or when you get back home, or in the lift and so on. They can provide you with some immediate help. Just as the traditional Chinese saying goes, “A distant relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor”. Besides, a healthy, strong relationship can enhance your happiness of living in the community.
Do you think it’s are important to have a good relationship with one’s neighbors?
这题与上面的题目类似,甚至可以说重复,但是如果考官考察到了,我们可以选择上面以说道理为主,下面以举实例为主的方式,又或者采取两者结合,给出一个相对比较完整丰富的答案 。
Yes, absolutely. For example, when you go for a work trip, and you can ask your neighbor to take care of your pet or to watch out your house for you occasionally. You know, crimes like burglars or robbery can be greatly reduced through a helpful neighbor. So it’s really practical to have a good relationship with your neighbors.
2. Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?
解析:part 3典型的对比类题目 。讨论邻里关系变化 。类似的题目还有
How do you think the neighbor relationship has changed in China in recent years?
Do you think it’s common in China to not know each other’s neighbors?
Maybe not. You know in the past, most Chinese people live in a big yard, they share some public facilities, send each other homemade food, visit each others’ home all the time, it’s like they are a big family. However, nowadays, most of the people live in apartments, and they shut the door after work. It’s common in China right now to not know your neighbors at all. They are already totally different.
3. Why do you think is that?/ What are the reasons behind that?
解析:讨论人际关系变淡的原因 。除了上文中提到的客观原因,比如现在居住的环境变化,人们生活水平提高,不再共同享用公共设施以外,这里可以从人的角度去讨论,现在大家都很忙,压力很大,没有时间去跟邻居社交,另外现代人普遍对于陌生人会比较警惕,冷漠,缺乏信任 。
Well, there are many factors for that. You know, modern people are all busy with their life and suffer from a lot of stress. So they don’t want to still suffer from the pressure of socializing after work. There is no doubt to say that modern people tend to be very indifferent towards others. They couldn’t trust others easily.
4. What are the benefits of belonging to a community?
解析:这个话题是有一定难度的 。Belong to a community 这个概念很多中国考生并没有那么熟悉 。其实我们就可以简单理解为,作为你自己生活小区的一员,有归属感,遇到问题,可以得到小区其他成员的帮助,并且大家可以通过共同的努力去完成一些事情 。
There are plenty of them. For one thing, you can experience the sense of security. You, as part of the community, there is a whole group of people behind your back. If you come across some problems, they will help you like your friends and families. More importantly, belonging to a community can help you, with others together contribute to it, making a better community. You know, when you are actually living in a community, there are a lot of things couldn’t be done by one single person. If you are really part of it, you would really want it better.
1. Do you often look in the mirror?
思路:可以回答经常照镜子,比如臭美一下,或者检查有没有眼屎,不然就丑大了;当然喜欢化浓妆的人,可能得经常照镜子,尤其是大热天和暴雨天,眼线很容易花的 。如果有同学说不怎么照镜子,也是可以嗒,比如只有要挤脸上痘痘时才会想到去找别人借一下镜子 。
误区:即使平时不怎么照镜子,同学们也要试试进行一定的扩展,比如上一次照镜子或者无意中路过瞥了一眼是什么时候啦,都是可以的 。
look into the mirror 照镜子
every now and then 偶尔/有时
check my make-up 检查妆容
check my good looks 查看美丽的外表
check how I look 检查下美不美
hair style 发型
with the help of… 在……的帮助下
get rid of… = remove… 去掉……
sleepies 眼屎
stick around 粘着
be addicted to… 沉迷于……
get smudged 晕染了
embarrass oneself 丢脸
Well, sometimes! You know, I’m a lady and I’ve got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if I’ve got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye.
I guess so. You might not know this, but I’m quite addicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if I’ve got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone.
Not particularly. You know what, I don’t even own a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other people’s mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I don’t really spend much time looking in some mirrors.
2. Do you often buy mirrors?
思路:不怎么买镜子,我的大部分镜子都是免费的 。要么是朋友给的,还有粉饼盒子,它们里面自带镜子的;或者是杂志里面送的赠品 。
误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,稍微解释一下就行‘I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror’
free gift 赠品
cosmetic products 化妆品
blusher 腮红
foundation powder 粉饼
plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸
Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors I’ve got are free, I think. They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping.