英语酒店预订表格 英语酒店预订问多少钱

英语酒店预订表格 英语酒店预订问多少钱


对于初次出国的人而言,知道如何用英语电话预定房间还是十分必要的 。你会用英语电话预定房间么出门在外,订房间是免不了的 。美联英语小编为大家整理英语酒店预订,我们可以如何正确表达自己的意愿呢?
How long will you stay in our hotel?你要在我们酒店待多长时间呢?
We still have rooms available which meet your requirements.我们还有符合你们需要的空房 。
In whose name will you reserve?您以谁的名义预订?
I will confirm your reservation information.我将确认您的预订信息 。
We look forward to your arrival/your coming/seeing you soon.我们期待您的光临 。
小编总结了以下英语酒店预订常用的句子,希望能帮到即将出国的朋友 。
I am sorry. No rooms are available.抱歉没有空房 。
All the standard rooms have been fully booked on the day you planned to come.你打算来的那天,所有的标准间都被预订了 。
This is the busiest season. I'm very sorry, but could you call us again on this weekend? We may have a cancellation.现在是旺季,非常抱歉,但是您能不能这个周末再打电话过来,可能会有人取消预订 。
I am sorry, but all the rooms are occupied for the next week.很抱歉,下星期所有的客房已满 。
I am afraid we are fully booked for all types of rooms on that night. It's peak season now.恐怕那天晚上各种类型的房间都预订满了,现在是旺季 。
Sorry, due to…,I have to cancel the reservation made in your hotel.对不起,因为……我不得不取消在贵宾馆的预订 。
【英语酒店预订表格 英语酒店预订问多少钱】I want/would like to change my reservation information.我想更改我的预订信息 。
I'd like to cancel a reservation.我要取消一项预订 。
I want/would like to extend it for two more nights.我想再延长两个晚上 。