Sat浣滄枃 关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文

SAT写作时间25分钟,要求对作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点 。没有字数限制 。珠海雅思托福培训学校为每个人编辑了一篇关于SAT写作的范文 。这篇SAT写作高分范文主要是收集卡片 。在准备自己的SAT写作考试时,可以根据自己的实际情况进行适当的准备和参考 。以下是关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文 。.
When I was in third grade, the Japanese cartoon “Pokémon” made its way to the American continents, flourishing in America. In addition some playing cards were marketed, with pictures of various creatures by different artists, attracting the kids' eyes and wallets.
I first saw the cards at a friend's house at a dinner party. When he brought out the new novelties, I was immediately taken by them. Some Pokémon were stronger than others; some had unique abilities and effects. When I got home I begged my mom to buy some for me, and after making me promise that I wouldn't take them to school, she got me a pack.
The intense obsession with these cards that many children had was unbelievable, and the card stores were furnished especially to attract little children. On all sides shiny new packs of the latest editions shown, leading kids to pull out their pocket money and their parents' money to buy, to consume, to purchase. The storeowners would even know names of the kids who went often and greet them, while showing them the newest cards. One owner employed a selling trick: they allowed children to swap cards for cards of lesser value, gaining even more customers who wanted to upgrade their decks.
For a while I'd come home and take out my cards, playing with myself mainly (change, it may have a different meaning to readers) since I had no siblings. Looking back, this seems childish, but back then I was almost addicted. I'd sometimes call up neighbors to play too. After school you'd see a few kids merrily sitting in someone's garage, trading cards and discussing strategies. A parent would, on some days, take us to the card store to trade. If a stranger saw us, they he would probably think we were some kind of young businessmen, swinging our tote bags around. This Pokémon craze infected our entire neighborhood; at school if a student claimed to not have any playing experience, the community would look at him strangely and with distaste.
My parents never interfered with my card playing, but that didn't mean they approved of it. They just wanted me to have a fun childhood, because they remembered their own times and wanted me to grow up healthily. Dad told me that he remembered collecting cigarette boxes and making origami with his friends. It's just that the things we play with now are a lot flashier and more expensive. Dad also applauded the card shop owner's marketing strategies, gaining her lots of selling opportunities. He told me that I should learn from these. But I was too small; I didn't have much of an interest in business just yet.
以上就是关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文,珠海雅思托福培训学校邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧 。
Comments:Good topic sentence. The author keeps nicely on track telling about the rage for Pokémon cards during primary school years.
评语:主题句不错 。作者丝丝入扣地讲述了在小学的时候迷上《神奇宝贝》的卡片的故事 。
珠海雅思托福培训学校也为大家准备了关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作 。
在我上小学三年级的时候,日本动画片《神奇宝贝》(又译作《宠物小精灵》,《口袋怪兽》)挺进北美大陆,风靡美国 。另外,市场上出售一些游戏卡,上面印有由不同的艺术家们绘制的各类动物的图画,吸引着小孩们的眼球,令他们纷纷解囊 。
我第一次看见这种卡片是在一位朋友的家里吃晚饭的时候 。当他拿出这种新奇玩意儿的时候,我立刻就被它们吸引住了 。一些卡片上的神奇宝贝比其他卡片上的要更厉害;另一些卡片上的宝贝则具有特异功能 。我回家之后,央求妈妈给我买一些 。在我答应了不把卡片带到学校之后,妈妈给我买了一盒 。
许多小孩对这些卡片表现出的强烈的痴迷令人难以置信,卖卡片的商店也被装饰一番,以吸引小孩们 。商店的四壁都陈列着琳琅满目的新款的卡片,吸引着小孩们掏出他们的零花钱和父母的钱去大买特买 。商店的老板甚至知道那些经常光顾的孩子们的名字,一边跟他们打招呼,一边给他们看新的卡片 。一位老板用了一个销售把戏:允许小孩们用手里的卡片交换更便宜的新卡片,这一招吸引了更多想把自己游戏卡更新换代的顾客 。
有一阵子,我一回到家便拿出卡片一个人玩起来,因为我没有兄弟姐妹 。现在想想,这非常孩子气,然而在那个时候,我几乎沉溺于此 。有时我会打电话叫邻居来一起玩 。放学之后,你会看见几个小孩兴高采烈地坐在某个小孩家的车库里,交换卡片和讨论攻略 。有时,会有家长带我们去游戏卡商店交换卡片 。若是陌生人看到我们晃着大手提袋的样子,或许会认为我们是小商贩呢 。这种《神奇宝贝》的卡片热传遍了我们整个邻近地区;在学校里,如果有学生声称没有任何玩卡片的经历,那么大家会用不可思议的眼神看他,心里带着几分反感 。
我的父母从未干涉过我玩卡片,但是这并不意味他们赞成 。他们只是想让我有一个有趣的童年,因为他们记得自己童年的时光,并且想让我健康地成长 。爸爸告诉我他还记得自己与朋友一道搜集香烟盒、玩折纸游戏 。只不过我们现在玩的东西更加精致、更贵一些罢了 。爸爸还称赞了卖卡片的商店老板的市场营销策略,这为她带来了很多的销售机会 。他告诉我应该从这里面学到些东西 。不过那时我太小,还没有对经商产生一点儿兴趣呢 。
【Sat浣滄枃 关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文】以上就是关于收集卡片的SAT作文范文的翻译,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编提醒您SAT写作考试的时间短,但是要求却很严,大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对 。