关于运动的2人英语对话 谈运动的英语对话

运动是一切生命的源泉 。保持运动健康,不要让疾病闯入 。你知道关于运动的两人英语对话有什么吗?以下是绍兴米德兰边肖收集的一些关于体育的英语对话 。让我们来看看!
W: what's your favorite sport?
Z: it's hard to say. Perhaps swimming is my favorite. I like swimming because it helps improve my lung capacity. In the scorching summer days, there's nothing like a cool swim. Currently, I go to the pool twice every week.
W: is the entrance charge expensive?
Z: well, it costs an arm and a leg —30 yuan per person. What a costly sport! That is why I have to refrain from even thinking about it. And I find jogging a very agreeable substitute .
W: haha, jogging? Perhaps it might be a bit too boring?
Z: you know what? You won't get a rush from it until you fully understand it. It is a simple sport and doesn't require skills of any sort. This leaves room for me to enjoy the beautiful suburban scenery while jogging. Fresh air caresses my face and blows into my chest, which translates into inspirations. Inspirations are really good stuff for a writer like me. Sometimes, I even come up with a verse or two.
W: you are really a man who knows how to enjoy being alone.

关于运动的2人英语对话 谈运动的英语对话


A:Say, Jim, how about going for a few beers after dinner?
B:You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness.
你知道的,这很诱人,但是对我们的健康没有好处 。
A:What do you mean? It will help us to relax.
你是什么意思?它可以让我们放松 。
B:Do you really think so? I don't. It will just make us fat and act silly. Remember last time?
你真的这样认为吗?我不这样认为 。它只会让我们变胖,行为愚蠢 。记得上次的事吗?
A:I guess you are right. But what shall we do? I don't feel like sitting at home.
我想你说得对 。但是我们要做什么?我不想坐在家里 。
B:I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play pingpong and meet some of our friends.
我建议走去体育馆,在那里,我们可以打乒乓球,见见一些朋友 。
A:That's a good idea.I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play pingpong. Perhaps we can make a foursome with them.
真是个好主意!我听说玛丽和萨利经常去那里打乒乓球 。我们也许可以和她们组成双打 。
B:Sounds great to me!If they are willing, we could ask them to go dancing with us. That is excellent exercise and fun,too.
听起来太棒了!如果她们愿意,我们可以请她们跳舞 。这也是很棒的一项运动,也很有趣 。
A:Good. Let's go now.
好 。我们现在就走 。
B:All right.
行 。
A:I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise.
我工作很辛苦以至于我没有精力去做运动 。
B:That is just an excuse. You can always find some time to exercise.
这只是一个借口 。你总能找到时间去做运动的 。
A:But I work hard all the time for long hours. Often I have no time for lunch. Yet, I am still getting fatter.
但是我好几个小时都在辛苦工作 。我经常没时间吃饭 。但是,我仍然在长胖 。
B:Bill, you know that work is not the same as exercise as it is stressful but not relaxing. And skipping meals will not help you lose weight.In fact your body will only store fat if you miss meals.
比尔,你知道的,工作和运动不一样,工作是有压力的但不会令人放松 。不吃饭不能帮你减肥 。事实上,如果你不吃饭,你的身体只会储存脂肪 。
A:I know you're right, but what can I do?
B:How about going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner every night?
A:But I'll miss the news. It's important in my business to keep up with events in China.
但是我会错过新闻的 。了解中国发生的事件对我做生意来说很重要 。
B:I know, I know. Have you got a portable radio? You can listen to the news and get healthy at the same time.
我知道,我知道 。你有便携式收音机吗?你可以一边听新闻一边保持健康 。
A:That's a good idea!
【关于运动的2人英语对话 谈运动的英语对话】真是个好主意!