乘公交工具旅行 雅思口语 雅思交通类词汇

aeroplane n.飞机[例]To take an aeroplane,you have to book in advance.你要坐飞机的话,必须提前订票 。air hostess空姐
airportn.机场[拓]an airport terminal航站楼airport tax机场税an airport lounge候机大厅.[例]We went to the airport to see him off.我们去机场送他 。
【乘公交工具旅行 雅思口语 雅思交通类词汇】airlinen.航线,航空公司[拓]Lufthansa German Airlines德国汉莎航空公司
Olympic Airlines奥林匹克航空公司
Australian Airways澳大利亚航空公司
available adj.可得到的[例]Free ticket is available only to students.
只有学生才能领到免费票 。
boat n.小船[拓]ferry boat渡轮fishing boat渔船pleasure boat游船sailing boat帆船
boardv.登上(船、飞机等)[拓]a boarding card登机牌[例]When can I board the plane?
brochure n.小册子[例]He gave me a brochure about that scenic spot.他给了我一本关于那个景点的小册子 。
coach n.长途客车[拓]a medium-sized coach 中巴
destination n.目的地[例]We'll arrive at our destination by the evening.我们会在傍晚前抵达目的地 。
discount n.打折,折扣[例]You can get a discount of 5% with the internationalstudent card.用留学生证你可以得到5%的折扣 。