去机场送行英语怎么说 机场送客英语对话

‘s《商务对话》旨在适应职场生活的商务英语口语会话,其内容涉及商务活动的诸多方面 。商务英语更多的是教一种西方的商业管理理念,工作心理,如何与外国人打交道,如何与他们合作,工作方法等等 。南昌美联英语为你编译:机场送行英语对话 。
机场送行英语对话-感谢送行Thank you so much for seeing me off at the airport.非常感谢您到机场为我送行 。That' s quite all right.没什么 。机场送行英语对话-提出帮忙Let me help you with your bags.我来帮您提包吧 。You don't have to.没关系,不用的 。
【去机场送行英语怎么说 机场送客英语对话】机场送行英语对话-临别赠言It was a pleasure meeting you.和您相处,我觉得很高兴 。We'll see you at the conferences in London then.我们伦敦开会时再见 。Let's keep in touch.我们保持联系吧 。Have a safe flight!祝您一路顺风!机场送行英语对话-情景对话对话场景:艾米送马丁到机场 。她的过度细致让马丁不胜其烦 。句型重点:提醒别人,提供帮助和婉拒帮助 。
Martin:Thank you so much for seeing me off at the airport. That was really unnecessary, though.Amy: That's quite all right. We just want to make sure you get back all right.Martin:Oh,I'm sure I'll be fine.Amy: Here,let me help you with your bagsMartin:You don't have to.Amy: Do you have your ticket?Martin:Yes,it's just an e-ticketAmy: And do you have your passport?Martin:Yes,it's just here in my pocket.Amy: OK. I'll just help you fill out the departure form.Martin:Really,that's quite all right. It's in English,after all!Amy: OK then. Well,it was a pleasure meeting you.Martin:Likewise. Thank you for your hospitality… I just hope you won't expect this when you come to the New York offices!Amy: OK,well,we'II see you at the conferences in London then. Have a safe flight!Martin:Thanks! See you in November!
马丁:非常感谢您到机场为我送行 。其实您不必来的 。艾米:没什么,我们只想确保您归途顺利 。马丁:哦,我肯定没事儿的 。艾米:来,我帮您提包吧 。马丁:不用了 。艾米:您带着机票了吗?马丁:是的,就是一张电子机票 。艾米:护照带好了吗?马丁:带好了,就在我口袋里 。艾米:好吧 。那我来帮您填出境表格 。马丁:我自己填就行 。这表毕竟是英文的嘛!艾米:那好吧 。嗯,和您相处,我觉得很高兴 。马丁:我也是 。谢谢您如此热情周到……我只希望您来纽约办事处时可别想得到这样的款待 。艾米:好吧,那么,我们就伦敦开会时见 。祝您一路顺风!马丁:多谢!11月见!以上就是:机场送行英语对话 。南昌美联英语搜罗各种商务英语情景对话,助你完成由菜鸟到高手的完美蜕变,汇集经典、全面、实用的商务英语会话表达 。