雅思写作词句语料库 公共图书馆雅思作文

图书馆是一个有学习氛围的地方,这里安静,学术 。置身其中,会沉淀你的心 。以下是广州环球雅思边肖整理的雅思写作词汇:关于图书馆 。
【雅思写作词句语料库 公共图书馆雅思作文】

雅思写作词句语料库 公共图书馆雅思作文


1、图书馆的设施audio-visual resource centre 视听资料中心index 索引loans and returns / circulation desk借书还书处.photocopying room复印室.student lockers学生存包处catalogue目录information desk服务台group-study room小组学习室reference section参考书区touch-screen information service触屏式信息服务.
2、图书馆的图书分类current magazines现刊杂志science fiction科幻小说illustrated magazines画报fairy tales童话故事thrillers恐怖小说best-sellers畅销书campus novels校园小说collections of essays杂文集hardcover精装书pictorial画报classical works经典名著popular novels流行小说collections of poetry诗集original versions原版书paperback平装本tabloid小报
3、图书馆的功能1) The library is the Mecca for knowledge-craving students.2) The library is multi-functional. It also includes a cultural centre, where book exhibitions and free lectures are held.3) The library is a treasure palace of wisdom.
4) The library offers a soothing environment for people to enjoy their reading.5) The computer lab provides access to the Internet. Readers can search for information online.6) The conference room makes it possible for a small number of students to work on group projects without disturbing others.7) In the audio-visual resource centre, readers can listen to a tape or watch videos.