雅思口语描述一个教你技能的人 雅思口语part1你见过名人吗

1 雅思 口语 如何谈论人物
围绕人物描述一直是雅思口语考试的一个高频高点 , 那么雅思口语如何谈论人物呢?今天小编给大家分享一些方法 , 希望对您有所帮助!
A friend: a happy person, one you want to travel/study/work with, one you admire……

雅思口语描述一个教你技能的人 雅思口语part1你见过名人吗


A celebrity: sport/movie/music star, a famous person you admire, a successful person, a character from a TV program or a movie.
A family member: one who influenced you most, one you like best, a happy person, an old person.
Else: child, teacher, neighbor
先从一个例子入手 , 来说一说人物这一类topic的特点和重要性 。
题目:Describe a celebrity you admire.
Example by Edward:
Explain: who is this celebrity? What has he/she done to become popular? Why do you like him/her?
When this topic is regarded/As the topic is mentioned (一般我都会用这两句开头 , 当然你也可以自己想一个开头方式), I would say a celebrity whom I admire most is the former Chinese gymnast who is named Li Ning (有时候最好的回答方式就是重复对方的问题) . Before I start, I do want to remind you that he is the man who lighted up the primary torch in Beijing Olympic Game 2008.
Li Ning is no doubt one of the greatest athletes in China owing to his great contribution to gymnastics. As a gymnast, Li Ning demonstrated exceptional talents and perseverance/fortitude (天赋与坚毅品质)that his contemporaries didn’t possess(替换have可以展现你的词汇量). In Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games, he won 4 gold medals, which was the best performance in that game. The next year, he won another two in World Gymnastic games. Prior to Beijing Olympics, he still held a record of 14 champion titles in gymnastics. In his days, he barely can find a competitor. So this good-looking young man has often been called the prince of gymnastics.
【雅思口语描述一个教你技能的人 雅思口语part1你见过名人吗】Having retired from his beloved game (这句话完全等于after he retired from his beloved game), Li Ning still continued his passion in the field of sports by establishing a sport wear company which was named after him. The company soon became an unprecedented success. Presently, the brand Li Ning has become a main competitor that Nike and Addidas can not ignore in the global market.
Another reason I admire him is that Li Ning is not just a normal businessman who only cares about money, but also a man responsible for the future of the whole nation (我常用这句话来形容商人-温总理说:企业家身上应当流着道德的血液 。). He often donates money to communities and the national educational program called hope plan. So everything he does can be used as positive demonstration for the youth.
这个答案回答完 , 第二部分8分应该是不成问题了 。这个topic要说完可能需要3分钟 , 所以在考场上必然会被考官打断-因为这部分给定时间在1-2分钟 。但是并不用担心 , 因为考官会告诉你:don’t worry if I stop you.
人物topic是所有topic中最基本的一项 。它是应该要优先考虑的一项 , 所以应该充分准备(一个人经验 , 要准备5个不同类型的人物) 。原因很简单 。很多topic都会和它相关联 。当你试着把其他topic和人物联系起来时 , 准备口语的topic就变得轻松了许多 。
试想 , 当你说一个物品,比如gift, 或者一次经历 , 比如travelling的时候 , 把它和你的好朋友或者是家人联系起来 。准备就变得很有效率 , 回答时也可以避免没话说的灾难发生 。
1. 话题分类
Part2话题一共四大类 , 人、事、物、地 。考生需要先将本季话题库的话题进行整合分类 。
2. 话题点合并
这里要注意 , 合并话题时并不是将同一答案应用在两个话题上 , 而是将话题中的共通点挑选出来合并准备 。我们拿本季题库中的两个话题举个例子 。
Describe someone who you think is a good parent. 这个话题卡的第三个展开点是why you think he/she is good?
另一个话题是Describe someone who is knowledgeable. 这个话题卡的第二个展开点是what kind of person he/she is.
这两个话题点的相似性就非常高 , 可以合并准备 。
3. 写关键词
上面的两个话题点可以统一合并为“你的家长” , 比如我的父亲就是一个好的家长 , 因为他什么都懂 , 乐于分享知识 , 是一个好榜样 。考生要准备的关键词就是know everything, share以及good example.
4. 大量重复练习
以这三个关键词作为你所展开的核心点来扩展你的句子 。注意不要将每一句答案内容写下来 , 而是要反复说出来 , 在说的过程中不断雕琢你的用词以及衔接 。还是举例说明 。
以上面的三个关键词作为核心点 , 最初你的答案可能为:
My father is an engineer who knows everything. He tells me so many interesting things that are very helpful in my study. I think he is a very good example because I also want to be like him one day.

雅思口语描述一个教你技能的人 雅思口语part1你见过名人吗


经过反复的练习以及老师为你进行一些高级词汇的补充后 , 你的答案会提高为:
My father as an engineer is the encyclopedia in my family. As a parent he’s always willing to share so many absorbing things related or not related to my study, which also set a good example for me to follow him or to be like him.
提高后的答案相比第一份答案 , 使用了更多的less common words并且衔接更为紧密 。大家在备考时可以将自己的答案进行录音 , 随后检查语法升级词汇 , 使你的答案更加自然流畅 。
1. 准备能串联最多话题点的素材并且反复熟练练习 。不是背诵 , 而是做到在自然交流的状态下能够对准备的素材应用自如 。
2. 准备那些生僻以及自己完全没有思路的话题 。如果考场上遇到这些话题 , 自己不至于完全答不出任何内容 。
3. 习惯于两分钟的时长 。不要边说边看表 , 而是将自己的答案长度进行计时 , 从而掌握怎样的内容长度最适合两分钟的回答时长 。我们上一讲说过 , part2一定要说满两分钟 。即使被考官打断 , 只要你已经开始回答话题卡上的最后一个展开点 , 都是没有问题的 。
在口语Part1部分 , 有一个新话题是Park.
在这个话题之下有一个问题是: Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?
对于这个问题 , 很多学生并没有具体的思路和表述方向 , 一般只能说出可以在公园进行的活动 , 并不能答出一些意义方向的语句 。
对于我们本身而言 , 公园是我们放松休闲的地方:
People often go to the park to relax and release their pressure. They can play different sports like badminton, basketball, table tennis. Many people choose to go jogging around the park to exercise their bodies.
对于城市而言 , 公园是一个环境优美空气清新的地方:
Public gardens can provide the clean air for this city and people often visit these places to breathe the fresh air there to relax.
另外活动的列举上 , 很多学生只能做到单一的列举 , 并不能做到有一定的逻辑 , 对此 , 可以针对年龄段进行分类阐述:
For old people, they often practice Kungfu and Taiji there;
For middle aged people, they often follow the music and dance there;
For young people, they often date there;
For kids, they often play hide and seek there.
For families, they often have picnics on the grass.
建立一个较为清晰的小逻辑阐述 , 可以达到表述清晰 , 也便于考官理解 。自己课下训练时也多加使用 , 便于分数提高 。加油!
part3是雅思口语考试中的老大难 , 下面我给大家介绍几个回答策略 。除了给出原因 , 举例子和推测外 , 我们也可以展示讨论的另一面 。当然 , 也可以通过使用填充词延长思考时间 。但是 , 如果我们确实想不出要表达的东西怎么办?那只能诚实告诉考官你不知道如何回答了 。虽然回答part3问题时我们可以撒谎或者编故事举例子 , 但是如果你实在想不出来说什么呢?
那么就如实告诉考官 , 你不知道如何回答 。例如 , 考官问你:“Do you think that children do less sport and exercise than in the past?”如果不知道如何回答 , 我们可以说:“I really have no idea. I don’t have children, and none of my friends do either. I’m afraid it’s just not a topic I can say much about.”注意 , 除非万不得已我们不会这样回答 。没有什么可以回答的内容 , 原因也要同时给出 。你需要展示给考官的是 , 并不是因为你的英语能力不好你给不出一个完整的答案 。
其次 , 如果要用这个方法回答 , 只能用一次 , 而不能用来回答太多问题 。最后 , 及时使用这种方式回答 , 你也要尝试推测 。例如 , 我们可以说:“I really have no idea. I don’t have children, and none of my frirends do either. I’m afraid it’s just not a topic I can say much about. I suppose that children might be less active than in the past, because they spend more time online and playing video games and things like that.”你需要把自己想法加入回答中去 , 试着加入一些细节 , 及时你的回答是我不知道 , 否则就会影响口语成绩 。但是 , 这种方式可以将你从不知如何回答的问题中解救出来 。
如果你能很清晰地回答问题和将自己的想法加入到回答中去就不会影响分数 。考官希望你能开口 , 以这种方式回答问题 , 你给考官的感觉是:“我回答不了这样的问题 , 所以重新给我一个问题或者话题 。”这样回答比完全说不知道好很多 , 但是要慎用 , 除非万不得已 。
其次 , 需要和考官有互动 。雅思口语part3考试很独特 , 这是口语考试中一部分考官可以真正和你进行真正意义的谈话 。在part1和part2 , 考官只是在读题 , 他(她)在表达的时候局限性很大 。但是 , part3很不同 , 考官可以回应你的回答和更多的参与到对话中来 。这对于考生又意味着什么呢?
我们需要认真听考官的问题 , 想想他(她)想让你做什么 。比如 , 考官是在回应你的问题还是在问一个新的问题或者考官是在问你刚刚回答的细节还是在询问你对于一件事的意见 。这也意味着 , 你不能一味地尽可能久地自说自话 , 考官是可以打断你的回答询问另一个问题或者把话题改个方向 。所以 , part3部分我们需要灵活应对 。在part1,2 , 考官问我们问题 , 我们直接回答 , 大多时候不会被打断 , 你可以说自己想说的任何东西 。在part3 , 你需要和考官互动 , 更像是自然的对话而非一问一答的形式 。