你应该提前到达机场登记 。先在相应柜台办理登机手续,将机票和身份证交给机场人员,托运行李 。然后通过安检门进行安检,然后去相应的航站楼准备登机 。
Where is the boarding gate for this flight?
I have two bags to check.
我有两个包要托运 。
Is the flight on time?
Would you like any tags for your luggage?
Flight 11A to Seattle has been canceled.
去往西雅图的航班已经被取消了 。
What is the departure time?
Shall I tie up my safety belt now?
I'm afraid my bag exceeds the size restrictions.
恐怕我的超重了 。
Your three baggage claim stubs are attached to the ticket cover.
你三个包裹存单和机票附在一起了 。
Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
You should not recline the seat.
你不应该平躺座椅 。
Please put your all your luggage on the conveyor beltone by one.
请您把所有行李一件一件地放在传送带上 。

Check-in Officer:Good morning. Are you flying to Chicago?
The fight is going to take off at 10 o'clock.
【办理登机手续英语 登机手续英语对话】Harry:Yes, This is my ticket here.
Check-in Officer:Great. Can I see your passport as well?
Harry:Here is my passport. Uh… is this the partyou need?
Check-in Officer:Actually I just need your name and I can check the name list.
Harry:Oh OK. This is my son David.
Check-in Officer:Great. Oh, you're traveling with a minor today.
Harry:Yes, He is eleven years old.
Check-in Officer:Okay. Can I have your son's birth certificate to prove that he is under age?
Harry:Here you are. By the way, could we get anaisle seat? My son tends to get airsick.
Check-in Officer:Sure. I'll put you near the washroom too.
Harry:Thanks.Where should I check my big
Check-in 0fficer:Well, you can take them to the luggage inspection. Are you just checking these two baggage?
Harry:Yes, and I'll take this knapsack as my carry-on.
Check-in Officer:Your knapsack needs to be check as well.
Check-in 0fficer:That is all. Here is your boarding pass. Beat the gate one hour prior to boardingtime. Our flight crew will have some specialin structions for take-off and landing.
登机工作人员:早上好 。你们要飞往芝加哥吗?航班在10点起飞 。
哈里:是的,这是我的机票 。
登机工作人员:好 。我同时能看你的护照吗?
哈里:这是我的护照 。嗯,你要看这个?
登机工作人员:实际上是我要看你的名字,核对一下名单 。
哈里:哦,好的 。这是我的儿子戴维 。
登机工作人员:好 。哦,你今天带一个未成年 。
哈里:是的,他11岁 。
登机工作人员:好,我可以看下你儿子的出生证明吗,看看他是否未成年 。
哈里:给你 。顺便问一下,我们可以坐在通道边上吗?我儿子同意晕机 。
登机工作人员:当然,我把你们俩安排在洗手间附近 。
哈里:谢谢 。我应该在哪检查我的行李箱?
登机工作人员:哦,你可以拿去行李检查处 。你指检查这两个行李吗?
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