托福作文形式 托福有作文吗

想要托福写作得高分,希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分的积累,多学习一些托福写作技巧 。佛山英语培训边肖为您提供托福写作样本及其翻译 。这篇文章是关于阅读和写作的 。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The abilities to write and read are now more important than in the past. Use specific reasons or examples or support your ideas.
你是否同意以下观点?现在写作与阅读的能力比过去更重要 。请用具体的理由和事例来说明 。
【托福作文形式 托福有作文吗】Although the modern world is much more visual than in the past due to first the radio, then movies, then television and now the computer and cell phones with their images and voice recognition and simulation capabilities, I believe that reading and writing are more important than ever. For purposes of this discussion, when I say “writing”,I also include “typing”as when typing messages on a computer or cell phone screen.
One of the reasons I say this is that, even though in thepast being able to handwrite or type out a good business letter for mailing was important, the actual volume of business writing is vastly more than in the past as businesses, suppliers, advertising and marketing agencies and customers exchange billions of emails and text messages. Clear, logical, correct, concise and succinct written communication is much more important because we must be able to say more with fewer words and we must do it much more often! The person who cannot write clearly and succinctly will not be successful no more than a person could in the past. Writing is still a basic requirement for success.
As for reading, if, as indicated above, more is being written then, of course, it is essential that we be able to read it more efficiently if we are to be successful. There is much more to be read in modern times because, for instance, with the long distance communication that comes with globalization and doing business electronically in distant places, we do not have the simple local face-to-face verbal communication of past generations. Now, huge number of contracts, proposals, studies, reports are sent via email which must be read quickly and correctly in order to make decisions and do business at any level.
Clearly, reading and writing are even more important than in the past.
佛山英语培训资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以佛山英语培训为您提供关于阅读写作的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发 。
尽管由于广播、电影、电视、电脑和手机的图像和声音识别与仿真能力使现代世界比过去更加视觉化,但我却认为阅读和写作比以往变得更为重要了 。为了本文讨论的目的,当我说到“写作”时,我同样把在电脑和手机屏幕上键人信息的“打字”包含在内 。
我同意这个观点的理由之一是,尽管在过去,能够手写或者打印出一封好的商业信函就十分重要,但是现在由于企业、供应商、广告商和代理商会与客户通过亿万封的邮件和文字信息进行沟通交流,如今的商业写作量也因而比过去大大增多 。因此,逻辑清晰、准确无误和简洁明了的书面交流变得尤为重要,因为我们往往需要以更少的文字表达更丰富的内容,并更为频繁地这么做!一个不能写作出清晰简洁文章的人也许可以在过去获得成功,但如今却不再有此可能 。写作依然是人们获得成功的基本要求之一 。
对于阅读,诚如我上面所提到的,由于我们有了更多的文字写作,因而能够更快更高效地阅读,对于取得成功也变得至关重要 。如今的摩登时代有了更多需要阅读的材料,例如,随着全球化带来的远程交流和在相距遥远的地方通过电子通讯做生意的发展,我们不再需要过去一代人所使用的面对面口头交流方式 。因此在现在,我们必须快速准确地阅读大量通过邮件发送的合同、提案、研究和报告,以在商业的任何方面做出明智的决定 。
因此很显然,阅读和写作比以前更为重要 。
佛山英语培训认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文 。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖 。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,佛山英语培训小编希望本篇关于阅读写作的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发 。