考雅思之前大家都很紧张,平日里也很少说英语 。到了考场可能会影响考试成绩和考试结果 。以下是收集到的关于怎么流利的说雅思口语.的信息,请参考 。
雅思口语考试主要是1对1的真人交谈,交谈时间通常是11到14分钟,可划分成part 1,part2&part 3,话题具有互动性,重点是有的日常的对话场景 。

Part 1部分:雅思口语考官通常会提出有的基本话题:家庭,学业,天气,为何考雅思之类的话题 。
Part 2部分:考官还会给你一张话题卡,你要求在2分钟时间里对相关话题做阐述,你会有1分钟的准备时间 。
Part 3部分:考官通常是会按照你在part 2部分的表现以及内容和你展开更加深入的讨论,互动性更强,需要你有自己的观点 。
提示:学术(A类)和移民(G类)的雅思口语考试的话题内容基本相同的 。
(1)2人一组搭档练习,搭档能够是老师,朋友又或是学习伙伴 。
(2)模拟练习期间请一定别有打断,以此担保在11到14分钟的考试时间里完成全部口语考试流程,确保模拟考试的真实性,有条件的话可以进行录音 。
(3)想要担保模拟考试效果,提醒大家别提前准备口语话题的答案,应该是现场抽取口语话题 。
(4)交流与反思 。口语模拟练习结束以后,雅思口语考官提醒大家与搭档交流反馈口语练习中出现的问题,例如发音问题,话题阐述又是不是自然,观点是否清晰明确?有条件的话,建议咨询专业老师 。
(5)在口语模拟训练以后会发现大的问题,例如缺少口语话题的思路,建议在网上搜寻雅思口语话题范文做参考,雅思口语不存在标准答案,范文仅供参考 。
1.Would a foreign visitor enjoy them?
Well, I am quite sure that most foreigners would find those places attractive. Not only are the insides of these places amazing, there are also many souvenir stores, so they could buy some for their friends. Moreover, there are various food stands along the street so that they would be able to taste the Tianjin local food.
2.Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school?
Actually, I am a high school teacher now and the teachers don’t teach the history of Tianjin because we focus on the College Entrance Exam, so it is such a shame that I haven’t learnt much about the history of my own hometown.
3. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?
Firstly, I think it is education. Schools in big cities are relatively better than those in rural areas. For example, some countryside schools don’t teach English as a second language, however, in cities, English is a compulsory subject. Secondly, I would say shopping. The city has a great number of shopping centers and department stores while on the other hand town may only have limited ones.
4.What facilities does your hometown have?
As far as I know, Tianjin has lots of wonderful facilities, but I would say that hospital would be useful. Tianjin is an international city, so literally the medical equipment in hospitals is technologically advanced. I assume another helpful facility might be the libraries that offer people to read millions of various books.

5.What forms of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown?
Normally, people would use a mixed way of transportation when visiting my hometown. However, I think the most popular method would be the underground because it is faster and has short waiting time. Besides, I guess bus is ok since it is cheaper. So I think underground and bus are commonly-used.
6.Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?
Of course, when I was a child, the winter was so cold and I used to wear two woolen leggings inside my trousers, whereas, now I usually only wear a cotton legging inside my jeans. This means the temperature is increasing in winter.
不管参加什么类型的口语考试,开口说话是最为重要的事 。只要开口练习,你就有机会将输入变为输出,及时发现自己在词汇量和语法上的问题,然后集中精力针对不同话题去积累词汇和素材,不断纠正时态误用、主谓不一致等语法错误 。
因此,考前考生一定要进行大量的口语练习,每天保证进行至少三个不同类别话题的问答练习 。当然,考生可以根据自己的备考时间进行灵活调整,但务必在考前尽可能熟悉各个类别的雅思口语话题,这样才能在考试时做到了然于心 。此外,不断的练习也有助于考生增强信心,使考生在考试时表现得更加自然,不会过分紧张 。
Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion
You should say:
What the occasion was
What you wore
Where you bought the clothes
And what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes
雅思口语part 2参考范文
The type of dress I wear on special occasions mostly depends on the occasion types and the custom of dresses people usually wears on those occasions. However, for the majority of these special occasions, I like to wear formal pants, shirts, suits and formal shoes.
我在特殊场合穿的那件衣服主要取决于场合的场合和人们通常穿的衣服的习惯 。然而,在这些特殊的场合中,我喜欢穿正式的裤子、衬衫、西装和正式的鞋子 。
I usually wear it to participate in any meeting, social pragmas like the wedding ceremony, birthday celebration, official a program arranged by a relative. Yes, this is a common dress that many other people wear on those sorts of occasions. But some people wear different dresses as well. The teenagers who attend social programs usually wear jeans and t-shirts but the adults mostly wear this dress.
我通常戴着它参加任何会议,社交活动,比如婚礼,生日庆典,官方的一个亲戚安排的节目 。是的,这是很多人在这种场合穿的一件普通的衣服 。但有些人也穿不同的衣服 。参加社交活动的青少年通常穿牛仔裤和t恤,但成年人大多穿这条裙子 。
This dress code is a safe one to wear. First of all this dress matches the weather all around the year in my country. Secondly, this is a dress which is safe to wear as people won’t criticise people who usually wear this dress on special occasions. This dress does not catch much attention and would give an impression that the person is rightly dressed.
这条着装规定是安全的 。首先,这条裙子和我的国家全年的天气相吻合 。其次,这是一件安全的衣服,因为人们不会批评那些在特殊场合穿这条裙子的人 。这件衣服没有引起太多的注意,会给人一种穿得很得体的印象 。
雅思口语part3 题目及参考答案
What factors do you think affect the clothes we choose to wear?
It depends … where we are or where we’re going is a big factor … if you are going out to a club or party you’re going to dress for the occasion … and then there are those who think it’s important to look like they’re on trend … they’ll want to wear the latest fashions … there are lots of factors really …
What kind of things determine what is in fashion and what we should be wearing?
I suppose the big fashion houses and fashion shows must have an effect but the clothes you see on the catwalk don’t always reflect what normal people wear … so I suppose it will be things like what singers are wearing in videos or models are wearing in magazines … that kind of thing …
Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on clothes?
【口语怎么才能说得流利 雅思口语很流利】I’m sure it is … yes … I suppose it’s about having an eye for what looks good … knowing how to mix and match different items of clothing that go well together … I think you can pick up great bargains in charity shops … sometimes for youngsters even hand-me-downs can look good.
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