疫情词汇 mers怎么读

病毒 virus /’va?r?s/
冠状病毒 coronavirus /k?,r?un?’vai?r?s/
新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus
肺炎 pneumonia /nu??mo?ni?/
非典型性肺炎 SARS=Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
中东呼吸综合征 MERS=Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
细菌 bacteria /b?k’t?r??/

疫情词汇 mers怎么读


疫情 epidemic situation
疫苗 vaccine
封城 lockdown of the city
隔离 quarantine /?kw?r?nti?n/
感染者 infected individual
野生动物 wild animals
飞沫传播 droplet transmission
人传人 human-to-human transmission
潜伏期 incubation /???kju?be??n/
疑似病例 suspected case
确诊病例 confirmed case
重症患者 patient in critical condition
国际公共卫生紧急事件 PHEIC=Public Health Emergency of International Concern
【疫情词汇 mers怎么读】重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应 first-level public health emergency response

疫情词汇 mers怎么读


症状 symptom /’s?mpt?m/
发烧 fever /’fiv?/
咳嗽 cough /k?f/
气短 shortness of breath
乏力 fatigue /f?’tig/
呼吸困难 dyspnea /d?sp’ni?/
打喷嚏 sneeze /sniz/
流鼻涕 runny nose

疫情词汇 mers怎么读


消毒 disinfect /?d?s?n?fekt/
离群 stay away from crowds
通风 improve air circulation
隔离 quarantine /’kw?r?n’tin/
勤洗手 wash hands more often
戴口罩 wear a mask
医用口罩 surgical mask
N95口罩 N95 respirator /’r?sp?ret?/
面罩 face shield
一次性手套 disposable gloves
护目镜 goggle /’ɡɑɡl/
防护衣 protective clothing
额温枪 forehead thermometer