兑换货币英语 外币兑换英语怎么读

在机场的货币兑换处,你得先把一些人民币现金换成美元零钱,以备小额开支 。然后我兑现了两张旅行支票 。我为将来的购物做好了充分的准备 。
Lele: Excuse me. Can I change money in thisairport?A P: Of course. Over the currency exchange win-dow. Go right through this door, andyou'll see it straight ahead.Lele: Thank you.Lele:May I exchange some money for dollars?C P:Sure! What currency do you have?Lele:RMB. What's the rate now?C P:Wait a minute, please. Got it. It's too Yuan for 14.6 dollarsLele:I'd like to change these RMB into dollars.Small cash please.C P:No problem. Please fill out this form. Sign your name and write down your passport number on the back.Lele: May I cash traveler's checks here?C P: Yes. We'd love to cash it for you.Lele: Please cash these two checks.I think that will be enough.(P: OK. Please countersign them here, and sign this foreign exchange request.

兑换货币英语 外币兑换英语怎么读


乐乐:打扰一下 。机场里能兑换外币吗?机场职员:当然 。在货币兑换窗口.您直走出这边的门 。可以看到它就在正前方 。乐乐:谢谢 。乐乐:我可以用外币兑换些美元吗?兑换员:当然可以 。您有什么货币?乐乐:人民币 。现在的汇率是多少?兑换员:请稍等 。找到了 。100元可兑换14.6美元 。乐乐:我想把这些人民币兑换成美元 。请给我零钱.兑换员:没问题 。请填好这张表 。在背面写上名字和护照编号 。乐乐:我可以在这里兑现旅游支票吗?兑换员:可以 。很乐意为您兑现 。乐乐:请兑现这两张支票 。我想应该够用了 。兑换员:好的 。请将刚署签一下.并在这张外汇申请表上签字 。
【兑换货币英语 外币兑换英语怎么读】扩展表达货币兑换:currency exchange外汇:foreign exchange汇兑换算表:exchange/conversion table外汇率:exchange rate外汇限额:foreign exchange restrictions折合率:conversion rate