职场日常英语口语 职场常用英语口语单词

职场英语也很重要 。参加工作的人都知道,在校园学习和在职场打拼是两回事 。学好职场英语有助于职业发展 。下面是职场英语常用口语句式,‘s一起学习!

职场日常英语口语 职场常用英语口语单词


What kind ofjobs do you want to find?
I want to find an easy and stable job.
我想找个轻松、稳定的工作 。
I expect to find a job that is related to my profession.
我期望能找个与我学的专业相关的工作 。
Which field do you want to engage in?
I want to get a job using English.
我想找个英语方面的工作 。
I want to work as an accountant in a company.
我想存公司里当个会计 。
I wish to be a tour guide so I can travel around the world.
我想当个导游环游世界 。
What do you think about this job?
I think being a lawyer has good prospects.
我认为律师的工作很有前途 。
I think being an assistant could exercise my abilities.
我认为当助理可以锻炼我的能力 。
I found a lot of recruitment information on the Internet.
我在网上找到了大量的招聘信息 。
I saw a piece of teacher recruitment information in the newspaper.
我在报纸上看到了一则招聘教师的信息 。
The TV broadcasts different job information every day.
电视上每天都会播报不同的招聘信息 。
There are different ways to collect job information.
收集招聘信息有不同的途径 。
I often go to job fairs to look for job information.
我经常去招聘会寻找招聘信息 。
I usually collect job information about various trades and professions.
我通常会收集各行各业的职位招聘信息 。
I will collect lots of job information before the interview.
我在面试前会先大量收集职位招聘信息 。
Collecting job information is an important part of job-hunting.
牧集职位招聘信息是求职的一个重要部分 。
Collecting job information extensively will increase the probability of success in job-hunting.
大量收集招聘信息可以增加你求职成功的机率 。
The process of collecting job information is also a process of getting to know about the company situations.
收集职位信息的过程也是了解企业情况的过程 。
I want to take part in the job fair tomorrow.
明天我想去参加招聘会 。
The job fair will be held in the personnel market.
招聘会将在人才市场举行 。
Attending the job fair is an effective way for job hunting.
参加招聘会是一种有效的求职途径 。
There will be many famous enterprises in the job fair.
招聘会上会有很多知名的企业 。
I often look for recruitment information in the career fair.
我经常在招聘会中搜索招聘信息 。
There will be a large-scale job fair this weekend.
这个周末会有一场大型的招聘会 。
I got my job through attending a job fair.
我通过参加招聘会找到了工作 。
【职场日常英语口语 职场常用英语口语单词】At the peak of job-hunting lots of job fairs will be held.
在求职的高峰期会举办大量的招聘会 。
Job fairs provide the job-hunters with a lot of job information.
摺聘会为求职者提供了大量的求职信息 。
The career fair is often crowded with job hunters.
招聘会通常挤满了求职者 。

职场日常英语口语 职场常用英语口语单词


My families are all actively recommending jobs to me.
我的家人都积极向我推荐工作 。
My friend has recommended a job to me.
我的朋友给我推荐了份工作 。
The schools are under obligations to recommend jobs to their students.
学校有义务为学生推荐工作 。
Some universities only recommend jobs to outstanding graduates.
有些大学只为优秀毕业生推荐工作 。
He thinks this job fits me well, so he has recommended it to me highly.
他认为这份工作很适合我,所以极力向我推荐 。
They are urgently hiring staff members, so they recommended me to give it a try.
他们急着招聘人员,因此推荐我去试试 。
They will read your resume first, and then recommend suitable jobs for you.
他们会先看你的简历,然后再为你推荐合适的工作 。
The job he recommends to me is to be an editor.
化给我推荐的工作是当个编辑 。
The country has set up special agencies to recommend jobs for graduates.
国家设立了专门机构为毕业生推荐工作 。
You should carefully consider others' recommendations of jobs.
对于别人推荐的工作要仔细斟酌 。