元宵节的英语作文带翻译 元宵节的英语作文100字

元宵节,又称上元节,农历的第一个月,元宵节或元宵节,是春节后的第一个重要节日 。它也是中国各地区和海外华人的传统节日之一,中国也是一个汉字文化圈 。第一个月是农历的第一个月 。古人把夜晚叫做“夜”,所以他们把一年中第一个月的第15天叫做元宵节 。
fall on 发生,适逢
filling n. 馅
flour n. 面粉
hang v. 悬挂
harmony n. 和谐
【元宵节的英语作文带翻译 元宵节的英语作文100字】jujube n. 软糖,枣子,枣味糖
lantern n. 灯笼
Lantern Festival 元宵节
lion dance 舞狮
paste n. 面团
post v. 贴,张贴
riddle n. 谜
sesame n. 芝麻
significance n. 意义
stilt n. 高跷
sweet adj 甜的
sweet dumpling 汤圆
union n. 一致,和睦
various adj. 各种各样的
walnut meat 核桃仁

元宵节的英语作文带翻译 元宵节的英语作文100字


A: The Lantern Festival is several days away.
B: Yeah, it falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month.
A: Lanterns of various shapes and sizes will be hung in the streets, right?
B: Yep. I bet beautiful lanterns will certainly attract numerous visitors. Besides, there will be a lot of performances, like walking on stilts, lion dance, etc.
A: That sounds exciting. And people will write riddles and post them on the lanterns, won't they?
B: Yeah. Riddle guessing is of so much fun.
A: I know you will eat a different kind of dumplings on the festival, which is not jaozi.
B: Oh, you must be talking about yuanxiao. It's also called tangyuan, whose Chinese pronunciation is similar to"tungyuan", meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony, and happiness for the family.
A: I get it. So it has great significance. Does it taste good?
B: Yeah. It's made of glutinous rice flour with sesame, jujube paste, walnut meat, sugar and edible oil as the filling.
A: It's sweet?
B: Yeah. That's why it's also called sweet dumpling.
A:再过几天就是元宵节了 。
B:是啊,就在正月十五那天 。
B:是啊 。我敢肯定这些好看的灯笼会吸引大量游人前来观看 。此外,还会有像踩高跷、舞狮之类的很多表演 。
A:听起来真让人兴奋 。而且人们还会写灯谜,并把它们贴在灯笼上,对吧?
B:是啊,猜灯谜很有意思的 。
A:我知道元宵节还会吃另外一种带馅的食物,不同于饺子的食物 。
B:哦,你讲的一定是元宵.也叫汤圆,在汉语里读音近似“团圆”,因此人们吃汤圆,就是希望家庭团团圆圆,和睦美满 。
B:我觉得挺好吃.汤圆是稿米粉包着芝麻、枣泥、核桃仁、糖及食用油和成的馅料制成的 。
B:是啊,所以也叫甜汤圆 。