端午节用英语怎么说? 端午节用英语怎么读写

端午节是每年农历五月初五 。根据《荆楚岁时记》的记载,由于仲夏登高,太阳上行,而五月是仲夏,其第一个下午是太阳上行,太阳上行的日子,所以五月初五又称为“端阳节” 。此外,端午节又称为“午节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节”等 。
【端午节用英语怎么说? 端午节用英语怎么读写】ancient adj. 古代的
bamboo n. 竹子
commemoration n. 纪念
competitive adj. 竞争的,比赛的
contribution n. 贡献
date n. 枣
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
event n. 事件,活动
glutinous adj. 有粘性的
local adj. 当地的
loyal adj. 忠心的
originate v. 起源,源自
patriotic adj. 爱国的
poet n. 诗人
racing n. 比赛
realgar n. 雄黄
rescue v. 拯救,抢救
rice dumpling 粽子
wormwood n. 艾草
wrap v. 包

端午节用英语怎么说? 端午节用英语怎么读写


A: Tomorrow's the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, isn't it?
B: Yeah. It's on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
A: It originated thousands of years ago and there're many legends about it, right?
B: Yes, the most popular one is in commemoration of an ancient poet, Qu Yuan.
A: He was very loyal and patriotic, wasn't he?
B: Yeah. So you know about him. And you must know the local people tried to rescue him in boats after he plunged himself into the Miluo River.
A: Yeah, and that's why we now have competitive dragon boat racing, right?
B: Right! It has become a very important event. Well, do you like the rice dumplings we usually eat on that day?
A: I love it! I like those with date in them.
B: Glad you like it. Some people do not like it because it's made of glutinous rice.
A: That's no problem to me. But I wonder how you can wrap it in some bamboo leaves.
B: It's easy. Let me show you.
B:是的,也就是阴历的五月初五 。
B:是的,广为流传的一个说端午节是为了纪念一位古代的诗人屈原 。
B:是的.你也知道屈原啊.那你一定也知道他投人泪罗江后.当地百姓划着船想去救他 。
B:没错,龙舟赛已经成为一项重要的赛事活动 。对了,你喜欢端午节的棕子吗?
A:非常喜欢,尤其是带枣泥馅儿的 。
B:我很开心你喜欢吃 。因为粽子是糯米做的,所以可能有些人不爱吃 。
A:我没问题 。不过我想知道你们是怎么用竹叶包棕子的?
B:很简单.我来包给你看 。