digitaladj.数字的A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers. e. g. 1021.
retrieveV.重新得到Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.
opponentn. 对手,反对者Leading opponents of the proposed cuts in defence spending will meet later today.
storageit.储藏.存储We've had to build some cupboards to give us more storage space.
magneticadj. 磁性的,有磁性的He is a person who has a magnetic personality.
combinationn,结合,联合.合并A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
duplicatev.复写.复制Parenthood is an experience nothing else can duplicate.
upsurgen.急剧上升They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement.
transcendV.超越This is a moment in history for Asian thinkers and decision-makers to summon the courage to think long-term and transcend the old paradigm.
addictiveadj.令人上瘾的Alcohol and tobacco are both highly addictive substances.
compelV.强迫.迫使The government may take steps to compel compliance with the law.
straightadj.连续的,不间断的The team has had five straight wins.
surveyn.调查A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.
obesityn.肥胖症Lack of exercise contributes to obesity and health problems.
uniqueadj.罕有的的,独特的The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.
endangeredadj.(生命等)有危险的.有灭绝危险的.将要绝种的The sea turtle is an endangered species(=it may soon no longer exist).
preservevt.保护,保持,保存,保藏She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances.
【雅思大作文词汇 雅思写作常用词汇】availableadj.可用到的.可利用的.有用的.有空的Every available doctor was called to the scene.
creativityn·创造力,创造His poems and paints show his great creativity.
expensen.费用.代价.损失.开支.费钱之物No expense was spared(=they spent as much money as was needed) to make theparty a success.
successiveadj.继承的.连续的He won the World Championship for the third successive year.
grilledadj.烤的,炙过的After a day's walk. the grilled sausage smelled so inviting to us.
kebabn.(= kabob)(印度)烤腌羊肉串,肉串上的肉块At this weekend, we are going to have a kebab party in the near suburban arcabitteradj.愤怒的.仇恨的He was bitterly disappointed not to get the job.
empathizev.移情,神会It's very easy to empathize with the characters in her books.
strollv.闲逛,漫步.跋涉于People were strolling along the beach.
meritn.优点.价值He was awarded a certificate of merit for his piano playing.
intrusivead j.打扰的.插入的The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.
distractingadj.精神涣散的.发狂似的There is always a distracting noise from the next door.
subsidizen.资助,津贴The housing projects are subsidized by the government.
.pervasiveadj.普遍深入的A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.
inappropriateadj.不适当的 。不相称的I think it would be inappropriate for you to invite her to a party so soon after her husband's death.
regulatev.管制 。控制Her mother strictly regulates how much TV she can watch.
portray描绘The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.
illustratev.举例说明,图解.阐明The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
startlingadj.令人吃惊的The reforms to improve services to the public have produced startling results.
investigationn.调查,研究Currently. the individuals who might investigation have caused the accident are under
disturbingadj.烦扰的The police made a disturbing discovery when they found a dead body near the river.
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