托福阅读特殊句型 托福口语阅读部分概括

1 托福口语描述人物类句型
托福口语复习过程中,大家也需要多积累一些高分的句子,多多练习这些高分句子的使用,才能够让大家更好地掌握这些句子的使用 。下面是小编为您整理的关于托福口语描述人物类句型,希望对你有所帮助 。

托福阅读特殊句型 托福口语阅读部分概括


brave – someone who isn't afraid of danger.
Example sentences:Mario is a coastguard. He is very brave. His job is to rescue people.
chatty – someone who talks a lot.
Example sentences:Maria is a very chatty person. She is always on the phone to friends.
clever – good at learning things.
Example sentences:Gerard is very clever. He always gets top marks in class.
cowardly – (mildly negative) someone who is afraid of things. (often described as "a bit of a coward")
Example sentences:Sylvia is a bit of a coward. She really hates going to the dentist!
easy-going – someone who is easy to get along with.
Example sentences:My husband is very easy-going.
friendly – someone who is nice to other people.
Example sentences:The people in my office are really friendly! I love working there!
funny – used to describe someone who is amusing.
Example sentences:Salem is really funny! He's always entertaining us with jokes and stories.
generous – someone who shares their time or things with others.
Example sentences:My parents are very generous. They bought me a car for my birthday!
grumpy – bad-tempered.
Example sentences:My boss is really grumpy. He isn't an easy person to get along with.
hard-working – someone who works very hard.
Example sentences:My brother is very hard-working. He hardly ever takes a day off.
honest – someone who is truthful and who doesn't cheat or steal.
Example sentences:Amina is a very honest. She always tells the truth.
kind – someone who behaves in a caring way towards other people.
Example sentences:Most of the people I've met here have been kind.
lazy – an inactive person who avoids work.
Example sentences:Pete is very lazy. He rarely gets out of bed before mid-afternoon.
loud – someone who talks really loudly.
Example sentences: Rosita is really loud! When she talks, she drowns everybody else out.
lucky – someone who often has good fortune.
Example sentences:My brother is very lucky. He's always winning prizes in competitions.
mean – 1) Someone who is a nasty person. 2) Someone who doesn't like spending money.
Example sentences:Phillip is very mean. He never pays for his share of things.
moody – adjective used to describe someone who behaves differently every time you meet them.
Example sentences:Nina is very moody. Yesterday she said hello; today she just ignored me.
nasty – a mean, unpleasant person. (the opposite of nice)
Example sentences:I don't really know any nasty people. Most people I know are very nice.
neat – a person who is very tidy.
Example sentences:My flatmate Jorge is very neat and well organised. His room is always tidy.
nervous – someone who is easily startled by things.
Example sentences:Anna is a very nervous person. She gets scared easily.
nice – someone who is friendly and kind. (the opposite of nasty)
Example sentences:My best friend Lin is a really nice person. She is always there for me.
polite – someone who has good manners.
Example sentences:Abdullah is a very polite boy. He always says please and thank you.
popular – somebody who is liked by many people.
Example sentences:My cousin Ali is very popular. He has a lot of friends.
quiet – used to describe someone who doesn't talk very much.
Example sentences:Helen is a quiet person. She isn't very talkative.
rude – bad mannered, impolite.
Example sentences:James is a very rude person. He always pushes in front of people in queues.
selfish – used to describe someone who only thinks about themselves.
Example sentences:Jeremy is very selfish. He never helps out with the housework.
serious – someone who is always very sensible (the opposite of silly).
Example sentences:Eric is very serious person. He never joins in when we play silly games.
shy – quiet and a little bit nervous around other people.
Example sentences:Claire is very shy. She doesn't speak much in class.
silly – someone who is a bit foolish, or who doesn't behave in a serious way.
Example sentences:Gina is a bit silly. She messes about in class when she should be working.
smart – 1) someone who takes a lot of care over their appearance 2) someone who
is very clever
Example sentences: (1)Anna is very smart. She is always neatly dressed.
stupid – (very negative and very impolite – sometimes used as an insult) someone who is not clever.Be careful when using this word! Using neutral adjectives to describe people is much safer.
tidy – someone who is very neat and well organized.
Example sentences:My sister is a very tidy person. I'm the opposite; I'm really untidy!
unlucky – someone who often suffers from bad fortune.
Example sentences:Sabrina is very unlucky. Things always seem to go wrong for her.

托福阅读特殊句型 托福口语阅读部分概括


untidy – someone who is very messy.
Example sentences:I'm a very messy person. I always forget to put things away!
vain – (negative) someone who is a bit too fond of their looks.
Example sentences:Paulina is really vain. She spends far too much time looking in the mirror!
wise – someone with a lot of common sense and knowledge.
Example sentences:My grandfather was a very wise man. He taught me many things.
一些同学认为自己口语不太好,所以考试策略是重点准备其他三科,适当放弃口语考试 。但要注意,适当放弃不等于马虎应对,准备工作还是要做足 。所以得先了解题型好做应对措施
托福口语的六道题可以分为独立和综合两个类型(Task 1、2为独立题,Task 3、4、5、6为综合题) 。在评分时,考生的答题录音会在经过数码降噪处理后被自动分为三组,分别是Task1&2,Task3&5和Task4&6,即独立任务(第一组)、校园任务(第二组)和学术任务(第三组) 。
再由经过认证的评分人分别对考生三组任务的录音进行评测,每道题的评分等级由低到高分别用weak,limited,fair和good来标识,最后六道题的总分将被转换为0~30分的标准分,而考生三组题目的最终得分等级,也会标示在电子成绩单上(score report) 。
每个task的准备时间只有短短15或30秒,如果没有进行过刻意训练,在考场上必将不知所措、语无伦次 。另外,要迅速呈现出“完整的答案”,这也要求你的回答不仅要言之有物,还要逻辑清楚,不能翻来覆去说车轱辘话,更不能两三句话就说完剩余大片空白时间 。所以,我们在备考时就必须注意对于时间的掌控和内容的组织 。在平时的训练过程中,应该针对不同的话题进行练习,并积累足够多的素材 。
逻辑作为ETS的最爱,你的口语表达也需要有逻辑有条理,与其不断重复听高分答案、自己练习不如写出几篇回答的提纲,就利用总分总结构,用简洁的语言来佐证你的主旨句 。
在列几篇提纲后就可以用来纠正自己口语表达时在逻辑上常出的纰漏 。此外其实托福非常重视你论点后的细节例子的支持,所以在平时的表述中也要注意,宁可就说一两个论点,但把理由说圆满,也不能囫囵吞枣的各带一笔 。
正确有效的使用语法和词汇,自然输出你的语言 。很多同学在语言灵活运用方面,一直追求用高端词汇复杂句 。但是实际上,口语中的句式太复杂时自己的逻辑很容易被绕进去,从而出现逻辑上的漏洞或者语法上的大错误,导致失分 。实际上,在语言这方面的准备上,平时听力阅读的积累足够我们的使用,并且口语考试考察的是口语能力水平,一些书面词汇和句式也要尽量少套用 。
这种失分原因主要体现在英语语音不准确、语调无起伏、语言不流利、结结巴巴等 。首先我们表达的内容要具有完整性,表面上说得很流畅、没有停顿,能让别人能听懂、能了解你的意思,要有首有尾有条理,尽量形成一个完整的清晰的逻辑环 。
在语音上我们需要注意的是重音和在一段文字中的适当停顿、重读等,这些能够有助于展现我们的逻辑性和表达内容的感染力 。当然,表达流畅并不是说让你语速快 。要在规定时间内匀速,让别人听清你说的内容,并且适当放慢速度,这也有助于给你一定的空间用来思考 。
①考前准备不充分,缺乏练习,导致答题时不自信 。
②性格内向,语音语调不够张扬 。
考场上表现得不够自信和大方不是形式上的问题,而是本质问题 。因为这会导致你在答题时音量偏小,发音不够清晰,如果考官能听出你声音里的不自信,那么分数也就不可能高了 。
①信心来自实力,实力来自练习 。
【托福阅读特殊句型 托福口语阅读部分概括】②不论你平时的性格如何,在考场上都要自带气场,逼自己流利、大方、有自信 。
Practice(练习)托福口语备考过程中,发音有问题是难免的,因此很多人会害怕说错而不开口 。没关系,多练习就好了,不要害羞 。本来,郁闷应该是一个过程,应该是你前进过程中一个必须经历的过程 。但是很多情况下,由于你不动手去解决,因此,他就变成了一个结果 。口语,跟口才是有相同性的 。您想要一个好的口才,那么就要通过不断的练习来实现 。但是,人一旦过了15岁,就特别害怕失败 。
人一旦过了25岁,就大多不接受新知识 。这都是阻碍你提升自己口语的拦路虎 。渴望去丢脸!只有今天多丢脸,才有出分后的那张笑脸 。Slowdown(慢下来)很多初学者总是希望走一步到位的路线,但是实际上,什么都是有一个循序渐进的过程 。就像很多人在练绕口令的时候,也是从慢速逐渐加速的,而不是一次马上就能有很快速度的,因此,刚刚开始的时候,控制自己的语速,尽量说的标准一些!
Listen to yourself(听自己)如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它 。其实现在很多口语材料都配备了相应的音频,你绝对应该把自己的声音录下来,然后跟相应的声音进行比较,只有这样一点一滴的去校对,录音,修改,再录音,这样一个过程走过几遍,你才会发现自己的声音才会接近真正地道英语者的发音 。Copy the experts(模仿专家)英语为母语的人士是最好的老师 。所以,注意听英语广播或英语电影、电视节目,听他们的发音,还要注意看他们的口形 。不要看字幕,模仿你听到的声音,即使你不确定他们在说什么 。Find a partner(找伙伴)从别人那里得到反馈是很重要的 。有一个partner的话,你就会发现,哪怕你今天不想学,那么你的partner也会督促你,因为,你如果今天放弃了,那么对方也就失去了锻炼自己托福口语的机会 。
而且,当你有一个伙伴的时候,你的伙伴会非常迅速的发现你自己的问题,同时也就能及时纠正!Be poetic(充满诗意)大声地念诗、演讲,专注在字的重音和音调 。因为,诗歌通常都是琅琅上口,有节奏感的,多多练习有助于提高英语水平 。发音准了,语调对了,语感慢慢出来了,这对记忆单词和交流都有好处 。以上就是提高托福口语水平的一些关键所在,不会说不敢说不要紧,托福口语的提高毕竟需要一个过程,希望考生在最后都能取得优异的成绩 。