投诉电话英语怎么说 投诉你英语怎么说

【投诉电话英语怎么说 投诉你英语怎么说】

投诉电话英语怎么说 投诉你英语怎么说


外贸业务中的纠纷问题,很多时候原因真不在业务员身上,但这不代表就可以理直气壮跟客户叫板,毕竟他们是你的衣食父母 。美联英语小编为您整理投诉英语怎么说 。
Green: There's something you could help me with.
Smith: Please go ahead.
Green: I ordered 10, 000 pairs of lady's shoes, but I received the same amount of men's beyond expectation.
Smith: I'm awfully sorry, sir. I was informed just now that someone in our company has made a mistake in filling your order. I would apologize to your company on behalf of our company.
Green: Can you do anything about the goods mistakenly shipped?
Smith: We'll manage to send you the correct goods as quickly as possible.
Green: How long should we wait for? I hope our clients can get them before the New Year's Day.
Smith: We'll try our best to make sure that we ship the goods by the end of the month.
Green: How about the wrong goods?
Smith: If you could sell them at the spot price at your end, so much the better.
Green: I'm afraid it's not an easy job. Because the design is not popular in China. But for the sake of friendship, we'll glad to help you.
Smith:Your offering help to sell the goods will be highly appreciated.
美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话 , 都是日常生活中常见的情景 , 简单的话题 , 以下是投诉英语怎么说的译文 。
格林:有件事您得帮助我解决 。
史密斯:请说 。
格林:本来我订购的是10, 000双女式皮鞋 , 但是没想到收到的却是相同数目的男式皮鞋 。
史密斯:真是太抱歉了 , 先生 。刚才得到通知 , 我们公司某人填错了你们的订货单 。我愿代表我公司向贵公司道歉 。
格林:货物装错了 , 您看怎么办?
史密斯:我们将设法尽快把你方的订货运来 。
格林:需要等多长时间?我希望我们的客户能在元旦前收到这批货 。
史密斯:我方将尽力确保这批货在这月发出来 。
史密斯:如果你们能就地现价销掉 , 那是比较好的 。
格林:恐怕这不是件轻而易举的工作 。因为这种式样在中国不大受欢迎 。不过如果你们可以削价 , 我们将乐于帮忙 。
史密斯:贵方帮助销售这批货物 , 我们深表谢意 。