退货的英文怎么写 退货用英语怎么翻译

在国外,很多朋友因为回家试用产品后觉得不满意而退货 。一般只要不影响商品转售,他们都可以退货 。这和国内很多品牌服装连锁店的规定一样 。只要我们用英语和店员沟通清楚 。在这里,北京韦博国际英语边肖为你安排了退货用英文怎么说 。

退货的英文怎么写 退货用英语怎么翻译


A: Anything I can do for you?
B: Yes, I would like to return these jeans.
A: All right. Do you have your receipt?
B: Yes. Here it is. I bought them yesterday.
A: And why are you returning them?
B: I bought them to go with a blouse.But they don'trealy match.
A: I see. Oh, wait a moment,please. I'm sorry. These jeans were on sale.
B: Yes, they were twenty percent off.
A: I'm sorry, but we don't allow return of sale items.
B: I know many stores have this policy. But I've returned sale items here before.
A: Then let me talk to the manager.
(after a while)
A: Oh, the manager says you can return them this time.
B: I am glad you can make an exception for me. Thanks.
A: You're welcome. Hope to see you again.
B: Bye.
B:是的,我想退了这些牛仔裤 。
B:有的,在这儿 。我昨天买的 。
B:我本想买来配一件衬衫的 。但是它们配起来不好看 。
A:我明白了 。请等一等 。对不起,这是特价的 。
B:没错 。是八折品 。
A:对不起,特价商品是不能退货的 。
B:我知道很多店都是这样规定的,但是我曾经在你们店退过特价商品 。
A:那么,让我和经理说说看 。
A:哦,经理说这次可以退 。
B:很高兴你们可以为我破例 。谢谢 。
A:不客气 。欢迎下次光临 。
【退货的英文怎么写 退货用英语怎么翻译】B:再见 。