关于退换衣服的英语对话 衣服的英语怎样讲

英语是不可或缺的交流工具 。当然,你不一定要精通英语 。关键时刻你只需要开口,问题就解决了 。广州韦博英语向你介绍简单实用的商务英语 。这篇文章是关于换衣服的英语对话 。
1. The waist is too high.腰部有点太高了 。
2. It's a little too short in the sleeves.袖子有点太短了 。
【关于退换衣服的英语对话 衣服的英语怎样讲】3. It's feeling most uncomfortable.穿着感觉很不舒服 。
4. I can hardly do the trousers up.我几乎没法穿上这条裤子 。
5.We can let it out a bit.我们可以放大一点 。
6.We'll take them in.我们可以收紧一点 。
A:Could you mend this jacket for me?B:Let me have a look at it.A:The chest pocket is tom.B:I'll sew up that pocket for you.A:This pair of trousers must have shrunk. It no lon-ger衍s me.B:I'll have it let out at the waist.A:The coat is a little too small for me. Can you doanything about it?B:I'll let it out a little.
A:你能替我改一改这件夹克吗?B:让我看看 。A:胸前的口袋破了 。B:我替您把口袋缝好吧 。A:这条裤子可能缩水了,我穿不合身了 。B:让我替您把腰围放宽一点吧 。A:这件衣服略窄一点,你能替我改一下吗?B:我把它放宽一下吧 。