染发的英文翻译 染发的英文怎么说英文

A: Good afternoon. I'd like to have my hair dyed.
B: Good afternoon. What color do you want to go?
A: Which color is popular and suitable forpeople of my age? Could you give me some suggestions?
B: Right now, it's quite fashionable to have light chocolate.
A: How does it look like? I don't know whether it suits me or not. Would you show me the color bar?
【染发的英文翻译 染发的英文怎么说英文】B: Hold on, please. This is light chocolate.
A:It is glossy and natural looking color.Light chocolate it is. How much is it?
B: It depends on the brand of hair dye you choose. I suggest this brand. It won't hurt your hair, and can prevent split-ends.
Also the prices is fair, only 195 yuan.
A: OK. I will have a try.
A:下午好 。我想染头发 。
B:下午好 。您想染什么颜色?
B:现在,浅巧克力色比较流行 。
A:浅巧克力色是什么样的?我不确定适不适合我 。你能给我看看色板吗?
B:请稍等 。这就是浅巧克力色 。
A:看起来有光泽也很自然 。那就浅巧克力色吧 。多少钱?
B:这要看您选择哪个牌子的染发剂 。我建议您用这个品牌,不伤头发,还可以防止分叉 。价格也合理,才195元 。
A:好 。我试试 。

染发的英文翻译 染发的英文怎么说英文


I'd like to have my hair dyed.
我想染头发 。
O I'd like to have my hair colored.我想染头发 。
O I'd like my hair dyed brown.我想把我的头发染成棕色 。
What color do you want to go?
O Which color do you want to dye it?您想染什么颜色?
It's quite fashionable to have light chocolate.
现在,浅巧克力色比较流行 。
O Then what do you think about pink?那您觉得粉红色怎么样?
O Many girls are dying their hair blonde.很多女孩都把头发染成金黄色 。