关于峨眉山的英语作文 关于峨眉山的英语介绍作文

峨眉山,山顶位于中国四川省乐山市峨眉山,尾部位于眉山市洪雅县,是中国“四大佛教名山”之一 。你想知道如何写写峨眉山的英语作文?吗这里有一些边肖收集的关于峨眉山的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Emei Mountain lies seven kilometers southwest of Emeishan City and is one of the four mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996. The mountain stretches more than 200 kilometers from south to north. Its main peak, Wanfo Top, is 3,099 meters above sea level. Since ancient times Emei Mountain has been described as "Beauty Under Heaven". Temples were built as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220) and Buddhism was introduced to the mountain during the Jin Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties there were more than 150 temples.
A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple, Fohu temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Heilongjiang Tunnel, Hongchun Platform, Xianfeng Temple (Jiulao Cave), Xixiang Pond and Golden Summit. These places are at different altitudes and have different climates. Temperatures at the top of mountain are 15 degrees lower than at the foot. Emei Mountain is a well-known natural museum with more than 3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animals including groups of monkeys that appear on the mountain roads and fascinate the tourists.

关于峨眉山的英语作文 关于峨眉山的英语介绍作文


Mout Emei is one of the four most famous Buddhist Mountains in China, boasting magnificence and clegance. The lofty peaks are beautifully decorated with green wooded areas. Besides its beauty, it is so huge that climbing is difficult, especially for the weak. However, the mountain is equipped with cable cars to carry you to the top of the mountain. Seeing sunrise over the clouds on the top of the mountain is a wonderful experience. Mout Emei is also famous for its abundant animal and plant resources. Many rare and endangered animal and plant species can be seen there.
峨眉山(Mout Emei)是中国最有名的四大佛教名山之一,壮丽而优雅 。高鸷的山峰因绿色林区点缀而美丽 。峨眉山不仅美丽,而且高大,爬上山是件很困难的事,尤其是对身体不好的人来说 。不过,峨眉山配有缆车(cable car),可以带你到山顶 。在山顶的云雾缭绕中观看日出是非常美妙的经历 。峨眉山也因其丰富的动植物资源而出名 。在峨眉山,你可以见到许多珍稀濒危动植物物种 。
Mt. Emei Scenic area includes Leshan Giant Buddha,and it is located in Emeishan City of Sichuan Province with the Giant Buddha sitting at the confluence of Minjiang,Dadu,and Qingyi rivers.
峨眉山风景名胜区包括乐山大佛,位于四川省峨眉山市乐山大佛位于峨眉山以东的眠江、大渡河、青衣江广江汇流处 。
Mount Emei rises in the southwestern part of the Chengdu Plain in Emeishan City,with its highest peak being 3 099 meters above sea level. The craggy southern part of the mountain is crisscrossed by ravines and covered with a dense growth of plants,while the northern part features sheer precipices,and waterfalls cascading down the slope.
峨眉山伫立在峨眉山市成都平原的西南部.最高处海拔3 099米、山脉陡峭崎岖的南部河流交错,植被浓密,而北部只有息崖峭壁,瀑布沿着陡崖喷流而下 。
Mount Emei is called the"mountain of brightness"in Buddhism. The legend goes that the Guangxiang Temple on the mountain top was where the goddess of benevolence performed Buddhist rituals,thus making it one of the four famous sacred mountains of Buddhism in China. There used to be over100 temples and halls on the mountain,but only some 20 still stand. The Baoguo Temple situated at the foot of the mountain is the largest temple on Mount Emei,built during the Ming Dynasty(13f 8一l (W4).The red copper Huayan Pagoda inside the temple is an important relic for studying Chinese Buddhism. The 14-storyed pagoda is seven meters high and its walls are engraved with more than 4 700 images of Buddha and the full text of the Buddhist Sutra of the Huayan Sect.
佛教中峨眉山叫作“大光明山“,传说山顶的广相寺是慈善女神举行佛教仪式的地方,因此使峨眉山成为“中国佛教四大名山”之一 。过去山上约有100多座寺堂,但现在仅存约20座 。位于山脚选的报国守建于明朝(1368~1644)年间,是峨眉山上最大的寺庙 。该庙庙内红铜色的华严塔是研究中国佛经的重要文物 。华严塔共14层,高7米,塔身铸有4 700多个佛像,还刻有《华严经》全文 。
The Giant Buddha of Leshan is carved on Lingyun Hill,east of Leshan City,which is not far away from Mount Emei. The solemn Buddha is 71 meters high and its head itself is 14. 7 meters high. Its ear is 6. ? meters long,eye 3.3 meters wide,and shoulder 34 meters wide. Its head is covered with I 021 chignons. Its middle finger is t3.3 meters long,and each of the feet are I I meters long and 8. 5 meters wide 。large enough to accommodate more than It>0 people sitting on it. The huge figure sits with his hands resting on his knees,his head reaching the hilltop and his feet the river,occupying the entire hillside.
乐山大佛依乐山市东部距峨眉山不远的凌云山而凿造 。庄严的大佛身高71米,头高14. 7米,耳长6. 2米,眼宽3. 3米,肩宽34米:大佛头上:.盘有1 021个发髻,其中指长8.3米,每只脚长11米,宽8.5米,脚面可围坐百人以上 。大佛双手抚膝而坐,头与山齐,足踏大江,占据了整个山坡 。
Surrounded by the charm of both the mountains and rivers,leshan Giant Buddha integrates both the beauty of a natural heritage and the gems of human culture. In the area of 2.5 square kilometres there are ? sites under Class I state protection and 4 sites under Class II state protection.
乐山大佛景区山水交融,将人文遗产精粹和自然遗产融于一身 。在这块2. 5平方公里的区域内,有国家一级保护文物两处、二级保护文物四处 。
The Giant Buddha faces the historic and cultural Leshan City on the other side of the river. The Giant Buddha is the center of the scenic area,and around it,there are a number of sites of interest,such as the Detached Mound from the irrigation system of Dujiang Weir by Li Bing in Qin Dynasty .the cliff-tomb clusters of Han Dynasty,Buddhist figure carvings,pagodas,and temples of Tang and song Dynasties,as well as architectural groups of Ming and Qing Dynasties.
乐山大佛与乐山城隔江相望 。景区以大佛为中心,周边有许多风景名胜,如秦蜀守李冰开断的离堆,汉代崖墓群,唐宋佛像、宝塔、寺庙,明清建筑群等等 。
Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha have now been unified into one scenic area and were put on the world cultural and natural heritage lists in 1996.
峨嵋山一乐山大佛已被合为一个景点,并于1996年被列入《世界文化自然遗产》 。
Mount Emei
Mount Emei (an elevation of 3 099 metres),located 165 kilometres from Chengdu,capital of Sichucm Province,draws the most attention for its 154-kilometre spread,attracting tourists since ancient times with phenomenal views all the year round.
峨嵋山(海拔3099米),距四川省会成都165公里,面积达154平方公里吸引了最多的关注,自古以来一年四季吸引着游客 。
Mt. Emei is known as one of the four primary shrine mountains of Buddhism in China and the famous national park,situated 7km southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province.
峨眉山为中国四大佛教名山之一,是有名的国家公园,位于四川峨眉山市西南7公里处 。
The mountain stretches out for 23km from south to north, occupying an area of about 115km2.
峨眉山从南到北绵延23公里,占地约115平方公里 。
Viewed from afar, its catchy Da'e and Er'e hills stand side by side in quite a symmetry,long and thin like the delicate eyebrows of a beautiful maid, hence the name, which literally means "the charming eyebrow of a beautiful maid" in Chinese
【关于峨眉山的英语作文 关于峨眉山的英语介绍作文】从远处看,引人注目的大峨、二峨并排对称站在,像美丽少女的细长精致的眉毛,因此这个名字的意思是“美少女动人的眉毛”