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1 雅思 口语话题letter
私人化的问题需要个性化的答案,背诵答案,下场往往很惨!范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语话题letter的资料,欢迎查阅 。

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1 Do you write many letters or emails?
Well, as far as I can remember, I’ve never written any letters, and I hardly ever send emails except when I hand in/submit my assignment/homework to my professor in college.
2 Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer? / Which do you more often write, emails or letters?
Um… well, if I had to choose, then maybe I would send an email, ‘cause it’s much more convenient than writing a letter by hand. But actually, it’s not likely to happen, ‘cause if I really need to send messages to others, I would just contact them on one of those chatting applications in my phone.
3 How often do you write an email or a letter?
I guess, once or twice every semester. Most of my professors prefer handwritten homework, so I don’t send them emails that often.
4 What are the differences between emails and letters?
In my opinion, letters are more personal and emotional, we have an old Chinese saying, when you open a letter and see the handwriting, it’s like you actually see the person who wrote it. That’s why few people would send a love letter by email. And as for emails, they are more convenient to send, I mean, you don’t need to go to the post office or buy any stamps, as long as you have Internet access, the people you write to will receive your email immediately, which is time-saving.
5 Is it hard to think of what to write?
Well, it’s not that hard for me. Like I said, I just send emails to my professors to hand in my homework, so every time I just write ‘Dear Professor blah, blah, the attachment is my homework you assigned, thanks for your time and have a nice day’, things like that.
6 What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write?
Um… I guess letters of apology must be hard to write, not that I’ve written one. Oh, and love letters must be hard to write as well, ‘cause when you write a letter like that, you need to write about all the reasons you adore the person. Plus, things would be awkward if the person doesn’t love you back / feel the same way / the feeling is not mutual.
7 How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?
Um, I’ve only received one letter so far in my life, which is the one I got from my cousin before my college entrance exam. I was so happy when I opened the letter, ‘cause she encouraged me and calmed me down before the exam.
8 Do you think people will still write letters in the future?
Yeah, some people might think that letters seem to be a thing of the past, but personally I believe that writing letters represents an emotional connection. It’s more sincere, and it’s the fact that few people are still doing it that makes it all the more precious.
Describe an outdoor meal or picnic that you had
【雅思口语话题handwriting 雅思口语话题website】you should say
Where did it take place
What was the occasion
What did you eat and drink there
and explain whether you enjoyed it or not
I can remember so many outdoor picnics with my friends and family members. In fact, we used to go outing and had our meals outside as part of the picnics very frequently even a few years back. One such picnic was a boat trip to a nearby island called (say a name) where we went 3-4 years ago. It was a small island and that island had some old buildings as well as a beautiful relaxing spot surrounded by natures. The water around the island gives the impression that you have come to an exotic land. We had our picnics on this island. There was no particular occasion for the picnic; as far as I recall the community people of our locality were planning for a picnic and they settled the day in the mid-summer. On the day we had a big boat that took us to the island and we spent the whole day there.
我能记得和我的朋友和家人一起去户外野餐 。事实上,我们过去常常出去郊游,甚至在几年前经常外出野餐 。这次的野餐是去附近一个叫做(名字)的岛屿,我们3-4年前去了那里 。那是一个小岛,那个岛有一些古老的建筑,还有一个美丽的休闲场所,周围都是大自然 。岛周围的水给人的印象是你来到了一个充满异国情调的土地 。我们在这个岛上野餐 。野餐没有特别的场合;据我所知,社区居民正在计划野餐,他们在仲夏的日子里安顿下来 。那天我们有一艘大船把我们带到了岛上我们在那里呆了一整天 。
I remember eating fried rice, roasted mutton, chicken, desert, different cookies fruits and some other food items throughout the whole day during our visit to the island. We drank plenty of waters as the weather was hot. We also drank fruit juices and soft drinks at different times of the day.
我记得在我们访问这个岛屿的整个过程中,我每天都吃着炒饭、烤羊肉、鸡肉、甜点、不同的饼干水果和其他一些食物 。天气很热,我们喝了很多水 。我们也在一天的不同时间喝果汁和软饮料 。
It was a great occasion for me. All of my family members and neighbours were present in the picnic and that was a really relaxing occasion for me. I enjoyed the boat journey and the picnic spot a lot. I played and chatted with the neighbouring kids and that was a very interesting and enjoyable gathering in my opinion.
对我来说,这是一个很好的机会 。我所有的家人和邻居都参加了野餐,这对我来说是一个非常放松的场合 。我很喜欢乘船旅行和野餐的地方,我和附近的孩子们一起玩耍和聊天,这是我的一个非常有趣和愉快的聚会 。
Describe a sport you would like to learn
Please say:
What sport it is?
When will you learn it?
How will you learn it?
Why do you want to learn this particular sport?

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3.故事线:如果我有机会,我很快就要开始打篮球了 。我的一些邻居每天晚上都在附近的篮球场上玩这个游戏,我所要做的就是和他们一起玩 。
If I get the chance and nothing unusual happens, I would like to start playing basketball soon. This is a sport that fascinates me a lot and after 4-5 months when I will finish my graduation, I will start playing this game on a regular basis. In fact some of my neighbours already play this game every evening in a nearby basketball playground and all I have to do is start playing with them.
They are very close to me and they’ll definitely welcome me to join their team. I will need to buy a pair of sports trousers and shoes and spend some money to start playing it. Actuality the expense is very low and that wouldn’t be a problem for me to start the activity.
Though I often watched this game on television or in our local play-ground, I never played it myself. May be I was bit anxious about the performance or skill of mine in this game and that’s why I have not started it yet. I planned to start playing it when I was in grade 9, but because my family had to move to a new city, I could not start it.
This is a game that fascinates me and since I often watch it on television, I have a great passion about it. Two of my previous attempts to start playing this game were ruined and I feel somehow that has enhanced my interest about this game even more. I need to shape my body and I found it would be a great game to do so. That’s the most important reason I want to start it as soon as possible.
Talk about something that makes you excited.
You should say:
what it is
how it is exciting
how you feel about it
I’m an adventurer and I love trying new and exciting activities. (Introductory sentence)
我是一个冒险家,我喜欢尝试新的、令人兴奋的活动 。(介绍句子)
Last month I went on an adventure sports trip to Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India. The trip involved a lot of activities such as trekking. I had already attempted most of them except Bungee Jumping. (What was it? When?)
上个月,我参加了一次冒险运动,去了印度喜马马邦的马纳里 。这次旅行有很多活动,比如徒步旅行 。除了蹦极跳,我已经尝试过大部分了 。(是什么?什么时候?)
Since this activity involves jumping from a height of several hundred meters, few of my friends had heart for this. None of my family members attempted it though. (Who was there?)
因为这个活动是从几百米高的高度跳来跳去的,我的朋友中很少有人对此有信心 。不过,我的家人都没有尝试过 。(是谁?)
There is no experience like that of falling from a height of several hundred meters. The feeling of gravity pulling you down is beyond expression. All I can say is my heart was beating really fast. It was a mixture of thrill and horror both of which increased as I came closer to the ground. (Feeling)
没有这样的经历,从几百米的高度坠落 。重力把你拉下来的感觉是无法表达的 。我能说的是我的心跳得很快 。这是一种激动和恐惧的混合,当我走近地面时,这两种东西都增加了 。(感觉)