

假如你要找依据最能感动女朋友的情话英文,那么点进来就没错了,要相信上帝会派天使守护你 。和小编一起来看看感动女朋友的英文情话有哪些吧!
1、你那么瘦,却还是填满了我的心 。
You are so thin, but still filled my heart.
2、假如我是上帝,会派天使护着你 。
If I were God, I would send angels to protect you.
3、玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路 。
Yu Le diao'an is located in Yuye, but the building is too high to see zhangtai road.
4、我没说过永远,只希望每个明天你都在 。
【最能感动女朋友的情话英文,上帝会派天使守护你】I didn't say forever, just hope you will be here every tomorrow.
5、不管时空如何偷换,爱你永不倦怠 。
No matter how time and space change, love you never tired.
6、想和你喝酒是假的,想醉你怀里是真的 。
It's not true that I want to drink with you. It's true that I want to get drunk in your arms.
7、我等你,凯旋归来的那一天,我去接你 。
I'll wait for you. I'll pick you up on the day of my triumphant return.
8、熟悉你,是我今年最大的收获 。
Knowing you is my biggest harvest this year.
9、我的爱,是美酒,天长地久愈醇厚 。
My love is wine. It grows mellow over time.
10、思老婆,恋老婆,给她幸福好生活 。
Think of wife, love wife, give her a happy life.