

1丶我甘愿,沦陷在你的怀抱,沉溺在你的眼眸,永远爱你 。
I am willing to fall into your arms, indulge in your eyes and love you forever.
2丶我希望碰到你时,可以暖和你 ,希望你也是一个暖和的人 。
I hope I can warm you when I meet you. I hope you are also a warm person.
3丶我喜欢用文字表达自己的情感,三行情书世间文字十万,唯有你的名字,是我不愿轮回的执念 。
I like to express my feelings in words. There are words in the world. Only your name is my obsession that I don't want to reincarnate.
4丶你是我用一生埋藏的酒,是那夜不能寐的思念是清晨不愿醒的梦 。
You are the wine that I buried with my whole life, but the thought that I couldn't sleep at night is the dream that I didn't want to wake up in the morning.
You come to me with spring, I love you more than spring ~
6丶即使有一天我的周遭全部破旧褪色,也依旧有你这颗星星,浪漫干净闪烁在我心上 。
Even if one day all around me are old and faded, there will still be your star, romantic and clean flashing in my heart.
7丶说爱你就是爱你,对不喜欢的人高冷至极,你若降得住我,我满眼都是你 。
To say that I love you is to love you. I'm extremely cold to those who don't like you. If you can hold me, my eyes will be full of you.
8丶你终会遇见这么一个人,他会用整个人生将你精心收藏,用漫长岁月把你妥善安放 。
You will eventually meet such a person,he will use his whole life to carefully collect you.Take a long time to properly place you
9丶这个世界一直在变,唯一没有改变的是一直在变 。我从未想过离开,赌上所有去爱你 。
The world has been changing, the only thing that has not changed is that it has been changing. I have never thought of leaving and risking everything to love you.
10丶我在等一场微风,等一个黎明,等星星落在我的怀里,等你中意我 。
I am waiting for a breeze, for a dawn, for the stars to fall into my arms, for you to like me.
11丶我的耳朵和我的心喜欢你,它们拜托我一定一定要讲给你听 。
My ears and my heart like you, they please I must tell you.
12丶牵着我的手,我们一起走,我跟你讲,我有一个超能力,我超喜欢你 。
Take my hand and let's go together. I tell you, I have a super ability and I like you very much.