

知道英文的励志句子是怎么样的吗?励志的句子致自己简短努力英文单词会给你什么样的正能量呢?停止为懒惰找借口,向着梦想勇敢前进,你未来的模样,就藏在现在的努力里 。为自己奋斗吧!和小编一起看看致自己的简短英文励志句子都有哪些吧!
Belong to their own scenery, never missed, not their own scenery, always just missed!
人生像山,看山山很高,爬起来不难,怀抱梦想,执着向前,迎接你的是幸福的明天 。
Life is like a mountain, look at the mountain is very high, climb up is not difficult, embrace the dream, persistent forward, meet you is happy tomorrow.
停止为懒惰找借口,向着梦想勇敢前进,你未来的模样,就藏在现在的努力里 。
Stop making excuses for laziness and move forward bravely to your dreams. Your future is hidden in your present efforts.
努力,从来不是表演出来的,是践行出来的 。
Hard work is never performed, it is practiced.
路就在脚下,你无力改变终点,但却能决定脚踏出的方向 。
At the foot of the road, you cannot change the end point, but you can determine the direction of the foot.
假如事与愿违,就相信上天一定另有安排;所有失去的,都会以另外一种方式归来 。
If things don't work out, believe that God has another plan; all that is lost will return in another way.
你要相信,只要努力,时间不会亏待你 。
You have to believe, as long as efforts, time will not be bad for you.
Don't struggle in the age of the choice of ease, more courage to step out, life will have a beautiful scenery!
再苦再累,只要坚持往前走,属于你的风景终会出现 。
Again bitter again tired, as long as stick to go forward, belong to your scenery will eventually appear.
决定是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点 。假如坚持并努力,下一个成功者就是你 。
Decision is the starting point of success, persistence is the end point of success. If you stick to it and work hard, the next winner is you.