

Did you look in the mirror today? How's that? Isn't my boyfriend handsome?
二、我最近可能吃太咸了,闲得老是想你 。
I may eat too salty recently, idle always miss you.
三、我最近学了一个魔术,想给你变一下,“好啦,我变完了”,我现在变得更加的爱你了 。
I recently learned a magic trick, want to give you a change, "ok, I finished", I become more love you now.
四、你知道吗?我特殊想摸着你的良心睡觉 。
You know what? I particularly want to sleep on your conscience.
Do you want to know how many people secretly love you? I told you there were three people I knew, and those three were "Me! I ah! I oh!
Hum, don't always see me more lovely, the tiger is not angry, you when... Be my boyfriend!
七、我想告诉你一个秘密,什么秘密?我最近发现我对你的想法已经不是很单纯了 。
I want to tell you a secret. What secret? I've recently found that I don't think of you in a very simple way.
八、嗨,你能做我的男朋友吗?你允许就允许,不允许的话,我就去再想想办法 。反正总有一天我要把你搞到手的 。
Hey, can you be my boyfriend? If you promise, promise. If you don't, I'll do something about it. I'm gonna get you one day anyway.
I'd like to ask you a question. Do you smoke? No, huh? Where did you get the lighter to light my heart?
十、你知道你的手是用来干嘛的吗?是用来牵我的手的 。
Do you know what your hands are for? It's for holding my hand.
【撩男生的套路的污对话,你今天照镜子了吗】Can you invite me to eat the bucket of the whole family? I think this way, we are a family!
十二、咦?你感受到了吗?刚刚似乎地震了!没有啊!没有吗?那我为什么见到你,我就天旋地转 。
Xii. Huh? Do you feel it? It just felt like an earthquake! No! Didn't you? Then why do I see you, My head spins.
十三、我这么喜欢甜食的人,遇见你以后我觉得都不用再吃甜的了,为什么?因为有人齁甜齁甜的 。
I like sweet people so much, after meeting you, I think I don't need to eat sweet, why? Because there are people who love much, much too sweet.
Since I met you, I want to be a kind of person, what kind of person? The one who becomes you!
十五、你知道我喜欢什么样的男生,对男朋友的要求有哪些吗?其实也没什么要求,只要是你就好了 。
Do you know what kind of boy I like and what are the requirements for a boyfriend? It doesn't really require anything, just you.